Universal FlexJet!!!



Universal FlexJet!!! | 20 March, 1999

Hey, all you Pro's out there I am looking for someone that has worked with the Universal FlexJet. We have been Beta testing one for a couple of months now and are having problems with interfacing optimization software with it. I would like to know the optimization code differences between this machine and your standard GSM's. Currently we are having to FTP our programs to the machine and manipulate data before we are able to use the information to optimize online. We have also encountered bugs in the machine's optimization files but we are getting the newest software version to fix that. I am just looking for a way to get a good program to the machine without going through so many steps!!!

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Re: Universal FlexJet!!! | 25 March, 1999

| | Hey, all you Pro's out there I am looking for someone that has worked with the Universal FlexJet. We have been Beta testing one for a couple of months now and are having problems with interfacing optimization software with it. I would like to know the optimization code differences between this machine and your standard GSM's. Currently we are having to FTP our programs to the machine and manipulate data before we are able to use the information to optimize online. We have also encountered bugs in the machine's optimization files but we are getting the newest software version to fix that. I am just looking for a way to get a good program to the machine without going through so many steps!!! | Hey GSM Guru,

What is your opinion of the GSM software. I think it is good but is full of bugs. I am running a GSM1 equiped with C4 option. I am running 3.0.3c software and soon to upgrade to latest software version. The software is full of bugs. It was bad when I was running 1.4.1 version. I upgraded to 3.0.3c thinking I would improve. Wrong. I have to double and tripple check my work all the time. The software constantly messes up and destroys my programs. Don't ever use the upgrade products function. Changes all leaded devices to chip devices. This really hosed me good. Used enhanced product setup the other day and taught some placement locations. After saving product in enhanced product setup, edited product and all placements and fiducials were gone deleted. Have to reboot constantly. Takes 10 plus minutes to reboot. Really wish I bought a Panasonic or Fuji.

I could go on with many more software bugs. Like I said even 1.4.1 software was full of bugs. Maybe is an OS2 problem. I don't know. Universal has given it their best shot to fix the problems with the software but don't think I could ever buy another GSM. This machine has been a big pain for me as far as software bugs go.

Any comments would be appreciated.


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Re: Universal FlexJet!!! | 29 March, 1999

It's unfortunate that there are corporations that exist that would actually hire and employ people of your specimen. You, obviously by your screen name, GSM GURU!, are a complete idiot. I'd like to see you and your idiot brother C4 GSM GURU terminated! Today it's Universal and tomorrow it will be Siemans or Fuji or another competitor. You are a nobody whose words hold no weight.

For your information my corporation does indeed utilize Universal equipment, along with Siemans, Fuji and other insertion and surface mount equipment. Although there is much competition in these fields, it's refreshing to see the professionalism and comradery that is portrayed between opposing sales and service of each of these organizations.

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Go away and leave this page to the professionals!

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John Doe


Re: Universal FlexJet!!! | 31 March, 1999

| | It's unfortunate that there are corporations that exist that would actually hire and employ people of your specimen. You, obviously by your screen name, GSM GURU!, are a complete idiot. I'd like to see you and your idiot brother C4 GSM GURU terminated! Today it's Universal and tomorrow it will be Siemans or Fuji or another competitor. You are a nobody whose words hold no weight. | | For your information my corporation does indeed utilize Universal equipment, along with Siemans, Fuji and other insertion and surface mount equipment. Although there is much competition in these fields, it's refreshing to see the professionalism and comradery that is portrayed between opposing sales and service of each of these organizations. | | By using SMT net you agreed to the following License Agreement. Please read it Again carefully. | | User acknowledges and agrees SMTnet does not endorse the content of any User communications and are not responsible or liable for any unlawful, harassing, libelous, privacy invading, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, tortious, or otherwise objectionable content, or content that infringes or may infringe the intellectual property or other rights of another. | | Go away and leave this page to the professionals! | | | | Lighten up pal, The question asked by the first guy seems like a good question. As far as the c4 guru if he doesn�t like universal I suggest he quit working on them. If he is so unhappy with them he should take it up with them and stop blasting them. The forum is a valuable tool to allot of us, its not you�re personal way to put people down. Who are you to say what is a good question or a bad question?


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