27 conceptronic hvac102 scanner results

Electronics Forum: conceptronic hvac102 scanner (5)

Conceptronic HVAC102 oven problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 15 09:21:49 EST 2015 | fuji_user_2014

Can you please contact me? We may have work for you related to Conceptronics HVA102 oven. Our oven is not showing any readings from thermocouples. We suspect bad special function card? My number is 774-553-6644, ask for Greg.

Conceptronic HVAC102 oven problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 05 10:08:54 EDT 2015 | swiese242

I have a HVC 102 reflow oven that will randomly shut down for over/under heat. On the 601 overheat protection zone 4 will read over 500c. Has anyone had this problem?

Express Newsletter: conceptronic hvac102 scanner (22)

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