Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 16 22:19:11 EST 2013 | mdang
Hi, I bought a fuji Flexa v4.6.0.7 and hook it hook it up with CP65 machine. The flexa system already have CP65 configure so I can see the production program on the machine and delete them but I can not transmit a new program to the machine. It error
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 02 11:10:07 EST 2005 | jdengler
Hi AJ, I've never used the Flexa due to the price. We replaced our MCS with eSMT Software (web site http://www.esmt-software.com/). You might want to look at this if you don't need all of the Flexa features. We have older Fuji equipment (GSP's
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 11:36:41 EDT 2019 | ravivarman82
Try standardize Flexa versions on all your clients and server .
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 10:34:48 EDT 2019 | dman97
You should be using the diagram on page 4. 9pin to 25 pin. Flexa settings should be set to NT C/C. You have to make sure that the COM settings in windows are set correctly for the USB adapter you are using. Whatever COM port windows assigns to the US
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 21 02:58:33 EDT 2005 | ajay
we are using MCS30 for fuji line. Now monitor is giving some problem. we can not replace it with normal monitor. this monitor is with key board. any solution to connnect with normal monitor ? ajay
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 07 11:40:32 EDT 2010 | daxman
Huh... Can you maybe explain a bit more? Are you getting this error on the IP3 monitor or on the programming computer? Do you use MCS, Fuji Cam or Flexa? Will the machine start up and zero-set? At which point of the power-up does the error arise? Are
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 12:16:09 EDT 2019 | dman97
Yes we had the same problems with Flexa and our AIMEX 3. Fuji techs came in and upgraded all our software to version This solved almost all the communication problems between server and client computers.
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 11:38:39 EST 2004 | Terry R.
Has anyone out there actually upgraded from Fujicam to Assembly Expert? I would like to know what you thought of the upgrade procedures/costs, and what you think of the AE software. We have started using Flexa on our lines and are currently program
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 10:49:23 EDT 2008 | arbarr
The the HDD onwindows 2000 pc running Fuji Flexa for 5 m/c's on our smt assembly line died 2 weeks ago. We've since reinstalled a new HDD. To cut along story short Fuji via their agent here (Productivity Partners Formerly Astro) after 14 days do
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 05 17:54:42 EDT 2008 | iantech
The the HDD onwindows 2000 pc running Fuji Flexa > for 5 m/c's on our smt assembly line died 2 weeks > ago. We've since reinstalled a new HDD. To cut > along story short Fuji via their agent here > (Productivity Partners Formerly Astro) after