New SMT Equipment: qfn solder chemistry to use (4)

AQUANOX® A8820D - Ready to Use Advanced Stencil Cleaner

AQUANOX® A8820D - Ready to Use Advanced Stencil Cleaner

New Equipment | Cleaning Agents

AQUANOX® A8820D is a pour and go, engineered micro-cell cleaning fluid designed to remove wet solder paste and uncured adhesive from stencils used with the surface mount printing process. No Mixing or Monitoring For Spray-in-Air & Select Ultrason

KYZEN Corporation

IR-E6 Evolution BGA Rework Station for PCB's up to 24

IR-E6 Evolution BGA Rework Station for PCB's up to 24

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

Ultimate Performance, BGA Rework Station for small-large PCBs up to 24"/620mm The PDR E6 XL BGA Rework Station is made of only the finest materials and components for optimum precision and rework excellence. PDR's E6 SMD Rework Station is PDR's larg


Electronics Forum: qfn solder chemistry to use (17)

Best Lead Free Solder to use

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 01 15:13:22 EST 2011 | felixgutierrez

Hi Everyone. I would like your input in regards to lead free solder paste lead free. Which one is the most reliable solder for BGA's and BTC's (QFN). I have used different type of solder and on some of them i get big voids on BTC's and other one i g

how to remove solder ball on PCB

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 23 14:13:29 EDT 2008 | slthomas

In piggy back on Chunks' comments, what you might wipe it with can be the problem. Alcohol absorbed by the solder paste inhibits the effectiveness of some cleaning chemistries, and driving it into the nooks and crannies exacerbates the problem. If

Industry News: qfn solder chemistry to use (240)

SMTA International to Address QFN Assembly & Reliability

Industry News | 2011-09-14 12:04:43.0

The SMTA announced a session on QFN Assembly and Reliability will take place on Tuesday, October 18 during their annual conference, SMTA International, in Ft. Worth, Texas. Andrew Mawer of Freescale Semiconductor will chair the session and Viswam Puligandla, Ph.D., Nokia (Retired) will co-chair.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

SMTA Intermountain Chapter to Hold Annual Technical Symposium

Industry News | 2013-09-10 12:18:26.0

The Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)'s Intermountain Chapter will hold its annual technical symposium on September 19 at the University of Utah in the Warnock Engineering Building, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Technical Library: qfn solder chemistry to use (4)

How to Manage Material Outgassing in Reflow Oven

Technical Library | 2020-11-24 23:12:27.0

In a lead-free reflow process, temperatures are higher, and materials use outgasses more than in a leaded reflow process. The trends toward higher density populated boards and more pin-in-paste technology also increase solder paste use. More components and more solder paste result in more outgassing of chemistry during the reflow process. Some assemblies report condensation of vapors when the cold printed circuit board enters the oven. Little is known about the interaction between these condensed materials in terms of the interaction between these condensed materials and the reliability of the assembly. Apart from the question of reliability, a printed circuit board contaminated with a small film of residues after reflow soldering is not desirable.

Vitronics Soltec

Novel Approach to Void Reduction Using Microflux Coated Solder Preforms for QFN/BTC Packages that Generate Heat

Technical Library | 2019-08-07 22:56:45.0

The requirement to reconsider traditional soldering methods is becoming more relevant as the demand for bottom terminated components (QFN/BTC) increases. Thermal pads under said components are designed to enhance the thermal and electrical performance of the component and ultimately allow the component to run more efficiently. Additionally, low voiding is important in decreasing the current path of the circuit to maximize high speed and RF performances. The demand to develop smaller, more reliable, packages has seen voiding requirements decrease below 15 percent and in some instances, below 10 percent.Earlier work has demonstrated the use of micro-fluxed solder preforms as a mechanism to reduce voiding. The current work builds upon these results to focus on developing an engineered approach to void reduction in leadless components (QFN) through increasing understanding of how processing parameters and a use of custom designed micro-fluxed preforms interact. Leveraging the use of a micro-fluxed solder preform in conjunction with low voiding solder paste, stencil design, and application knowhow are critical factors in determining voiding in QFN packages. The study presented seeks to understand the vectors that can contribute to voiding such as PCB pad finish, reflow profile, reflow atmosphere, via configuration, and ultimately solder design.A collaboration between three companies consisting of solder materials supplier, a power semiconductor supplier, and an electronic assembly manufacturer worked together for an in-depth study into the effectiveness of solder preforms at reducing voiding under some of the most prevalent bottom terminated components packages. The effects of factors such as thermal pad size, finish on PCB, preform types, stencil design, reflow profile and atmosphere, have been evaluated using lead-free SAC305 low voiding solder paste and micro-fluxed preforms. Design and manufacturing rules developed from this work will be discussed.

Alpha Assembly Solutions

Videos: qfn solder chemistry to use (3)

Adhesion Testing - How to Do it!

Adhesion Testing - How to Do it!


Bob Willis videos show you How to Do It each month. This month we talk about adhesion testing like copper foil, plated copper on PCBs or conformal coating adhesion to board assemblies. Adhesion testing can be used for many different materials and in


Welcome to this Defect of the Month video on via hole failures and how to see them, this series of videos were produced for and featured as part of the NPL/IPC video library and examples are taken from the NPL Defect Database. Over the last couple of

Career Center - Jobs: qfn solder chemistry to use (1)

Global Product Applications Engineer

Career Center | South Plainfield, New Jersey USA | Engineering

Alpha, a business unit of Alent plc and the global leader in the development, manufacturing and sales of innovative specialty materials used in a wide range of industry segments, including electronics assembly, power electronics, die attach, LED ligh

MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions

Express Newsletter: qfn solder chemistry to use (1122)

Minimizing Voiding In QFN Packages Using Solder Preforms

Minimizing Voiding In QFN Packages Using Solder Preforms SMTnet Express July 27, 2012, Subscribers: 25333, Members: Companies: 8933, Users: 33366 Minimizing Voiding In QFN Packages Using Solder Preforms First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO

SMTnet Express - June 11, 2015

SMTnet Express, June 11, 2015, Subscribers: 22,861, Members: Companies: 14,392 , Users: 38,338 Solder Paste Stencil Design for Optimal QFN Yield and Reliability B. Gumpert; Lockheed Martin Corporation The use of bottom terminated components (BTC

Partner Websites: qfn solder chemistry to use (195)

Which PCB Substrate Should I Use? | Imagineering, Inc.

Imagineering, Inc. |

Which PCB Substrate Should I Use? | Imagineering, Inc. Skip to main content Resources Support Contact Us FAQs Live Chat My Account 847-806-0003 Menu PCB Capabilities Fabrication Technology Roadmap Materials Available HDI Tolerances Certifications

Imagineering, Inc.

Halogens and Halides: Consider Halogen-Free Flux and Solder Paste

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

: Consider Halogen-Free Flux and Solder Paste Back to all posts Part 2 of 2 – The Need for Halogen-Free Materials and the Impact on Your Electronics Manufacturing Process By John Vivari What will happen if halogen-containing substances are banned from use in electronics manufacturing

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

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