Electronics Forum: 0402 issue (Page 1 of 19)

0402 components

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 11:02:29 EST 2000 | mark scheunemann

I am looking to discuss 0402 issues, specifically tombstoning/unsoldered. Any recommendations on pad size/spacing, stencil design etc would be helpful. Placement and reflow profile look good.

0402 components

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 11:02:29 EST 2000 | mark scheunemann

I am looking to discuss 0402 issues, specifically tombstoning/unsoldered. Any recommendations on pad size/spacing, stencil design etc would be helpful. Placement and reflow profile look good.

0402 bridging

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 02 13:42:44 EDT 2015 | ldempsey

Hello all, Some background. We have JUKI machines (FX2, KE2000's and KE3000's) We're looking into an issue with 0402's in close proximity to each other. The paste gets mashed into the paste from adjacent parts. Some have suggested I deviate from

0402 PARTS

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 02 10:52:45 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

For 0402s we use type 3 paste. We have .006 and .005 stencils. The .006 works okay but .005 seems to give us slightly better results. We use a 1:1 ratio for the aperture to match the pad, round pad not needed. With accurate placement and a correc

Re: Tombstoning 0402

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 26 11:26:00 EST 2000 | acahill

If you have a known problem with the parts, then Reject them back to the Vendor. It appears that you have a solderability issue. As for Tombstoning on 0402 chips, this could trace back to the stencil design and/or machine placement. Define Tombstoni

0402 pad designs???

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 12:56:26 EDT 2014 | jmathis

Hello, As our company has begun doing an increase production of contract manufacturing I have seen more and more designs with the 0402 pad layouts that are smaller (.015 in width) than the component. Also there is only a .008 longer than the 0402 p

Reflow of 0402 capacitors

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 08 12:40:54 EST 2001 | Ralph Merk

We are currently using 0402 resistors and capacitors in our production process. Our equipment is as follows: - DEK 265 - Siemens S25/F5 - Vitronics XPM520(5 zones) - 2% silver solder Alpha WS678 The problem is that randomly some 0402 capacitors are

Re: 0402 package size

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 20:02:55 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Ravi: I agree with travis. What's the issue?

0402 resistors and capacitors

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 02 07:23:37 EDT 2001 | cath

Has anyone caried out a DPM analysis on these components. I would be interested to know the defect rates and other assoc. placement issues as we have never placed them before. Thanks, cath

First piece inspection, 0402

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 17:25:17 EST 2002 | davef

Stephano: Since you have not thought through this, it indicates that your discrepancy reporting and resolution process probably requires critical review. Consider highlighting this issue to your quality assurance staff.

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