Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 14:35:37 EDT 2008 | rdmundo
Gents, We've been using a round 1:1 aperture for a 5 mils thickness on our stencil design on 0402 and recently, IPC guidelines recommend oblong, homeplate or reverse homeplate. I believed the PCB pad for 0402's area within the recommended size/dimen
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 16:46:47 EDT 2004 | cristiano
Do you have any information about the best standart for 0402" chip pad design. I have found differents recomended dimensions from IPC standart and manufacturer(AVX) . Which should be the best one? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 15:00:10 EDT 2005 | glenda
what about spacing between pads center to center on 0402.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 16:25:29 EDT 2005 | davef
We use a 0.012 inch gap betweem 0402 pads.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 16:37:57 EDT 2008 | aj
10% reduction on 5 thou. Gap between pads is also critical with 0402's.
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 19:24:44 EDT 2005 | russ
We use a .010" - .012" gap with .020" square pads.
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 17:19:51 EDT 2008 | dyoungquist
On 0402s we use 20x25 mil pads with a 15 mil gap between the pads on the pcb with ENIG finish, 5 mil stencil with a 1:1 aperture (20x25 mil) and SAC305 lead free solder paste. We very rarely see any tombstoning on 0402s using this setup.
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 20:35:22 EDT 2002 | davef
Messy. Messy. Messy. Consider gluing these components, until you control your process. It is unclear to us that a single factor drives these defects, but multiple factors that need to be tuned to work well together. PAD DIMENSIONS * Some SM-782 pa
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 19:55:13 EST 2002 | nifhail
Hi, I need help to understand further on the via in pad for 0402 requirement. If I were to do the DFM over the brd design which consist of 0402 with via on pad, what is the criteria that I should look for ? I learned that the via in pad does not wor
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 24 12:56:26 EDT 2014 | jmathis
Hello, As our company has begun doing an increase production of contract manufacturing I have seen more and more designs with the 0402 pad layouts that are smaller (.015 in width) than the component. Also there is only a .008 longer than the 0402 p