Electronics Forum: 266 (Page 1 of 3)

Oven Throughput

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 19 22:31:42 EDT 2001 | Pete

Received an info that the longer the oven the higher the throughput. What's the formula when calculating oven throughput ? say, i have the following: Oven Length : 266 cm Conveyor Speed: 29cm/min PCB Length: 29 cm Gap per Board: PCB Length x 0.5


Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 12 17:18:57 EST 2002 | scottefiske

Looking to meet other Amistar users to share component item data, and possibly help out with off-line programming, and optimization software. Call 1-800-256-6581, or 580-332-6581 X266 ask for Jeremy, Brian, or Mike. Thanks for your assistance.

Camalot needles

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 08:50:28 EST 2005 | davef

Try: * Count On Tools 800.538-0426 sales@cotinc.com http://www.cotinc.com * Nozzle Supply Co. 205-266-8770 Fax 256-378-0629 http://www.nozzlesupply.com

DEK Infinity software error DEK_PCCM.exe exception access violation Dr. Watson for NT(Oxc0000005)

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 27 08:30:06 EST 2021 | ravikumargv

We replaced RAM from 128MB to 266MB and after replacement Dr. Watson error gone and now we shucked with embedded time out error..

HMP Lead free solder?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 06:33:04 EDT 2005 | Slaine

if a solder has over 85% lead its classed as RoHS complient because its difficult to achive the same melting point with anything else (298degrees). a few other alloys with a similar range are ; % % 266E266 82.6 Cd 17.4 Zn 271MP 100 Bi 280E2

Feeder tape splice jams

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 12 14:47:55 EST 2000 | Chris Newell

We run Siemens SiPlace SMT equipment. One of our biggest problems is feeder tape splices jamming our feeders. We use Siemens recommended method of splicing our feeder tapes together. This has been causing upwards of 10% lost time on some of our build

Re: Feeder tape splice jams

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 03:40:13 EST 2000 | G. English

We have seen this problem, again using the methods recommended by Siemens. We tried different methods of splicing the tapes, but again the material was clogging in the feeders and especially in the cogs which grip and feed the tape. The only method

Quad 1V/C

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 20 13:08:57 EST 1998 | Todd Ekeroth

3-20-98 I have a Quad 1V/C (SMT) for sale. It is a lease repossession. Sold for $160k 1/95 Asking Price $49,000.00 o.b.o. Call for further details Todd Ekeroth 1-800-266-1990 ext 125 Regional Capital Leasing

No Clean Selective Solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 31 12:47:34 EDT 2002 | mzaboogie

Hi Patrick, We are using AIM 266-3. The topside preheat temp is approx 100 degrees C although we have played with that number both up and down. Raising the temp leaves a white residue, lowering the temp (below about 90 degrees) and the solder balls

Re: Feeder tape splice jams

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 13 08:28:37 EST 2000 | CAL

1)having the leader tape overlap and taped square is key. 2)making sure the Butt splice of the carrier tape is cut square and come together with no gaps 3) I would put a piece of yellow splice tape on the underside of the carrier tape to help hold th

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