Electronics Forum: 40lb (Page 1 of 1)

Curing Conformal Coating

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 05 05:27:13 EDT 2008 | andy1975

Hi, I've been looking into UV cureable conformal coating and the UV ovens but a chemist I know is very negative about this. He suggest by heating standard conformal coating to 90deg for a couple of minutes will make the product good enough to handle

Re: Solderability of BGA and PCB

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 27 17:50:01 EST 2000 | Dave F

Mike: It gets more humid in the winter? [I can see it�s true (not that I�d doubt you) cause I�m looking a a humidy map of the USA, right now] How does that work outin Californy? [Do the ocean breezes move the humid air in-land in the summer? Er w


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