Electronics Forum: 6.7 (Page 1 of 5)

Rheopump vs. squeegee

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 14 09:56:13 EDT 2001 | vance66

Could you guys comment on changing heads? We may have to change heads 6-7 times a day. What would be the negatives with this?


Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 05 16:20:45 EST 2002 | rubenh

Hi Check SMT Research, they have nozzles for cp3, 4,6,7 melf custom, Special etc..(805) 587-7851 Just buy the disk, the body is the same and change the nozzle size on (proper) mcs16 or 30

Fuji CP642 Feeder Problems

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 25 10:40:42 EST 2003 | Fuji_Dude

Try putting on new springs on the feeders. This a common and frustrating problem with CP6/7 feeders.

Fuji CP642 Feeder Problems

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 25 10:40:50 EST 2003 | Fuji_Dude

Try putting on new springs on the feeders. This a common and frustrating problem with CP6/7 feeders.

Calibration of feeders

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 00:42:47 EDT 2004 | Justanobody

Carl, Fuji has a unit that is approx. 12k. But it does alot for the CP6/7/8 and XP1 series feeders. All-In-One feeder jig.

Pasteproblem after reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 07 12:47:18 EST 2005 | Indy

1. use 6-7mils stencil. 2. reduce aperture opening to 60-70% of pad size. 3. check viscosity of solder paste. According to that you might want to alter your print speed and pressure. Cheers Indy

Thru Hole Part

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 10 19:34:46 EST 2007 | davef

Hussman Select one from each of the two columns: Column 1: Bifurcated, spade Column 2: Lug, post, terminal Look at A-610D, 6.7.2 to confirm the name.

Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 17 12:07:29 EDT 2011 | emeto

hi , we have Heller 1808 and I would say that is doing good job as oven. However for less than 3 years we had to replace 6-7 blowers. There are very nice machines in the market, but it really depends on you and how much money you are ready to spend.

Selective pallet thickness

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 07:12:17 EDT 2001 | Reg

I was wondering if anyone could advise me as to the thickness of a selective jig for wave solder. We currently run with a difference of ~6.7mm from the base of the jig to the base of card which to me seems too deep but this is what our jig manufactur

Re: Defects Definition

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 08 03:14:37 EST 2000 | Roni H.

Hi Jose, J-lead are very sesitive to coplanarity, which is the major cause for the defect you described. Other posibility is that there is not enough solder paste ; J-lead need around 10% more solder past then L-lead, You have to consider the screen

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