Electronics Forum: abw 1008 (Page 1 of 2)

ABW Systems TSC1008

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 14:00:53 EST 2005 | JF

Try Manix inc. I know they Support this Reflow Oven Model.

ABW Systems TSC1008

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 14:50:59 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

This oven was not designed to support lead free temps. I am sure Manix will tell you the same.

ABW Systems TSC1008

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 15:34:11 EST 2005 | guenther

According to the documentation that I have, the oven should reach 350c. This zone, set at 330c will not go above 314c.

ABW Systems TSC1008

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 23 07:24:39 EST 2005 | guenther

Well, according to Manix, this oven can run lead free, I have a few things that need to be tweeked, but I hope I can get that last zone up to temps.

ABW Systems TSC1008

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 11:44:43 EST 2005 | Guenther

We are running this reflow oven and are trying to get up to speed to meet RoHS. WE are having an issue with zone 9 coming up to temps. Does anyone know where we might get service or parts for this old oven? I have not found any information for this o

ABW Systems TSC1008

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 25 12:12:46 EST 2005 | pjc

To state whether an oven can or cannot "do lead free" very much depends on what type of product you need to solder. High thermal mass products are problems for 4 and 5 zones ovens becauase they typically cannot follow the solderpaste mfrs. profile, u

ABW Systems TSC1008

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 21 16:29:02 EST 2005 | pjc

Here is Manix web site: http://www.manixmfg.com/ Yes, the zone temps can be set high, but the thermal transfer efficiency is very low. I was profiling one of these ovens last week. To get 215C on the board you have to set the zone temp well over 30

Re: Surface Mount Solder Balling

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 16:07:55 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

| | Thanks Steve- | Here is the whole story: | | The solder balls are appearing all over, similar to a | splatter. They are relatively small. We are using H-Technologies | S-HQ no-clean solder paste. The stencil is 6 mil and the boards | are ru

ABW Systems TSC1008

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 27 11:32:30 EST 2005 | cyber_wolf

They may tell you it will solder lead free,(and it may) but trust me...you are going to have nothing but headaches. If you start flooring the heaters you are going to put it into a "melt down" after a while. I know you don't want to hear it, but tak

Re: Surface Mount Solder Balling

Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 17:19:54 EDT 1998 | Earl Moon

| | | | Thanks Steve- | | Here is the whole story: | | | | The solder balls are appearing all over, similar to a | | splatter. They are relatively small. We are using H-Technologies | | S-HQ no-clean solder paste. The stencil is 6 mil and the

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