Electronics Forum: activate flux (Page 1 of 49)

Solder and flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 08:40:20 EDT 2002 | davef

Yer not making this easy. What kind of flux? If no-clean flux, what controls are you using to assure you are: * Applying the correct amount of flux? * Properly activating the flux? If water washable flux, talk to us about your cleaning methods and

Rework using flux pens

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 17:29:20 EST 2002 | davef

Your research is on track. NC flux needs to reach activation temperature. Also, do not depend on the corrosion characteristics associated with the flux classification (ie, L1, L0, M1, M0, etc.), until the flux is activated by exposure to soldering

no-clean flux vs. impedance

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 17:36:32 EST 2008 | kennyg

I should have mentioned... the only flux we use for the hand soldering is wire-core, no bottle flux. I think it should be a non-issue to leave the activated wire core flux residue. I'm just looking for some way to prove it to the designer.

Problem with flux

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 20 11:24:22 EDT 2009 | ghepo

Hello Armando, this is what I found into the handbook "Failure Analysis of Electronic processes" : "...Flux residues with water-soluble flux activators that are conductive and corrosive if left on in large enough quantities are detrimental. If you

no-clean flux vs. impedance

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 17:27:13 EST 2008 | jdumont

If the hand soldering is done right and you use little to no extra flux (other than whats in the solder wire) you should be ok. You should still verify with some testing however... You need to make sure any flux used is activated, thus rendered benig

Wave flux and profiling

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 19 16:26:24 EST 2006 | samir

Grant, Newer lead-free fluxes have 6%-10% solids content - more activator, therefore leave more "visible" residues. Old technology tin-lead fluxes got down to as low as around the 4%-6% range (I'm going off memory, so me might be wrong)... You'll

no-clean flux vs. impedance

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 09:26:54 EST 2008 | jdengler

The low solids flux that is commonly called no-clean can affect some circuits. We are building a PCB that measures pico amps. The customer required that it be cleaned. We would rather used the low solids and eliminate a step. The customer had

flux residue problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 04 02:09:03 EDT 2009 | sachu_70

Hi Walter, Do you refer to a sprayfluxer operation? The problem seems to be a parameter setting issue. 1. Ensure the wide angle spray reaches PCB with optimum jet pressure. You could pass a glass plate to understand flux coverage and view Jet pressur

Rework using flux pens

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 11:28:30 EST 2002 | mregalia

We use NC flux exclusively for SMT and wave soldering. And it is a fairly old formula from Multicore, though we are currently qualifying a new formula. The automated soldering does not appear to be a problem. It is only the hand soldering that causes

Re: voc free flux

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 09:33:37 EST 1999 | Chrys Shea

| I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | Do you have any contact details with

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