Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 04 22:02:25 EDT 2011 | fujiphil
IP3 camera calibration, you need the following: 1. Part camera resolution Jig. 2. 10mm nozzle for nozzle centering. 3. Button jig (skip). 4. Glass board and Glass parts. 1. Conduct the Camera resolution. Set the following Delta values: X=+/-0.1mm;
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 23 22:06:04 EST 2020 | stevedb321
No, it wasn't error checking. It was data that was not present in the sample files so all the bytes were null. Very hard to know what should go there unless you have a spec. There's no error checking in this file. Every byte position represents some
Electronics Forum | Thu May 13 09:47:32 EDT 2004 | Lubo
We are looking for a inspection system to check the positioning of a component over a PCB. We need it positioned both in X Y directions and height above PCB (it is a TH component) to be within certain limits. PLS advise can this be achived by AOI. Wh
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 10:13:17 EST 2020 | philc
We use an AOI machine to check the first-off. This will pick up such errors, and if the line is stopped until the AOI operator has approved it, the problem is solved, although it would require one fix.
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 15 20:58:17 EDT 2007 | darby
PCB > Origin > O* > Skip = No Data In > PCB > Mount > M* > Skip = No Data In > System > Parameter > Position > Waiting Pnt Check that the waiting point is not set at such a co-ordinate that the PCB sensor is seeing the gantry. The pcb sensor also h
Electronics Forum | Fri May 26 10:03:13 EDT 2006 | smteng0201
We heard about the Saki systems and did not receive positive feedback. They are quite fast but they miss a lot of easy defects; especially solder ones. Have you checked out a Mirtec system yet?
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 13:21:14 EDT 2008 | RobP
With AOI it really depends on what you are testing. Not only what criteria, but what different types of components. We run a high volume low mix application for automotive checking for presense, positional accuracy, and all solder joints. We curre
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 10 17:28:51 EDT 2011 | aoiguy
So I actually tried that method as well. Took the P&P info that was provided to us in Mils, put together an excel formula sheet which converted all X,Y to mm which the aoi uses. Then came to the horrible conclusion that there was something in the cad
Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 10:33:46 EDT 2001 | Eyal Duzy
Genny, I would like to correct part of the things that you were told. As far as I know, X-Ray tools are not positioned as tools to find solder volume simply because it is not a strong point for them. An X-Ray image is either a projection (2D transm
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 26 00:02:17 EST 2011 | kevintough
I agree with this post about new and standard component names. Standard components should not be changed outside of perhaps widening the tolerance to accept poorly produced components. By purchasing poor quality/cheep components your purchasing depar