Electronics Forum: approved distributor (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Why would an end user (customer) buy from a Broker v Rebuilder/Seller?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 05:24:06 EST 2000 | Scott Davies

From personal experience, I agree with Dave that pre-owned equipment is often a more favourable option than the OEM route...provided that the equipment is purchased from a reputable source, supported with some kind of warranty, and be aware that some

cap size and copper thickness vs part size questions

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 08 05:00:23 EST 2005 | rlackey

Hi CW, Regarding orientation, yes, your diagram is right - see the following link for confirmation. http://search.murata.co.jp/Ceramy/image/img/A18X/C2EB3C.PDF Regarding information on bending strength you want to talk to your local Murata office


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