Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 25 15:32:10 EDT 2005 | Dixen
Hallo I am looking for information from user of the machine ACM Micro Assembleon. I would like to know the adventages and disadvantages for operation, programming, placing etc. Thank you for any respond. Dixen
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 24 09:38:17 EDT 2001 | gerits
Hi, you can use the Assembleon (Philips) ACM Micro for this. It can place Flip Chip form 0,1x0,1mm upto micro BGA, CSP's etc. etc. It even can handle Odd's and insert components. Web-site http://www.assembleon.com Please contcat me or our company o
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 02 09:50:46 EST 2004 | Axl
For anyone who is currently running these machines I would like to get some feedback (positive and negative) on them. How do they run in a production enviorment? Is the modular machine (AX-5) a pain in the ass to get a board out of when its stuck in
Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 02:57:03 EDT 2001 | kjellman
Hi, Why not have a look at Philips/Assembl�on, their ACM machine is quite nice. It may also bring you down to Flip Chip, 0201 some through hole and odd form placement. Nice options like bulk feeding, coplanarity tests, fluxing for FC, prom feeders (
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 20 17:40:03 EDT 2002 | pjc
Depends on which Assembleon machine, aye? The "GEM" line, Topaz & Emerald, stuff is Yamaha- Japan, which I consider more along the lines of Juki and i-Pulse (Tenyru/Yamaha), and maybe Samsung. The "Power" line, ACM & FCM, on the other hand is pure Du
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