Electronics Forum: assembleon csm 84 vz (Page 1 of 10)

Philips CSM 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 14 08:05:27 EST 2007 | nemachines

Hello We have philips csm manuals. Where in the world are you? Thanks

Philips CSM 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 02 18:05:19 EST 2007 | MarinaG

I'm looking for the user manuals and the service manuals, and if it's possible some advice to start, I had just purchased one, but I don't know how to do. Thanks

Philips CSM 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 12:11:32 EST 2007 | deltaservices

That is a real classic you bought there, i'll have a look if I have some old manuals.......

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 29 21:24:30 EDT 2005 | Paul Standeven

The CSM84 family units are 3 headed pick & place machines with mechanical chuck centering technology. They use a beam pointer for fiducial correction. The CSM84V is the same as the CSM84 but has a downward looking fiducial camera onboard in lieu of

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 16:39:08 EDT 2005 | dwensker

I am interested in info describing comparison following models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ. I am looking for pick and place machine for small various production. Pros and cons regarding those models are welcomed. Regards Darek

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 30 12:31:01 EST 2005 | Darek

Thanks a lot. Shortly and clearly.

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 29 04:26:24 EDT 2005 | dwensker

Thank you for info. Can you email detailes of CM that you think still has one in good shape with feeders to me at dwensker@roger.pl. Regards Darek

Comparison of models: Philips CSM 84, 84V and 84 VZ

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 19:08:03 EDT 2005 | Cmiller

There was a great list on here a year or so ago with all the Philips and Yamaha #'s and what they meant so do a search on it. The VZ had programmable placement height I recall. If your in the US I know a CM that I think still has one in good shape wi

Fine pitch & PCB finish

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 21 18:13:23 EST 2005 | gpaelmo

As davef states above, you would like to have flat surfaces below 25 mil. We are a contract manufacturer also and we've done thousands of 15 mil QFP's with HASL finish with no problems. Your success will depend on quality of PCB supplier providing th

Assembleon / Philips support. Ask your question.

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 10 16:07:01 EST 2010 | propox

Hello I have guestion, we bought two topaz and emerald machines. We have a problem to make a pick and place files to this machines. Recently we were useing CSM-84VZ. Do You have any help for us? Thank You.

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