Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 17:49:54 EST 1999 | Jeff_Tamagi
Do I have to tin gold lead devices? Can I use indium? Can I use lead-free Can I use tin-free
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 08 23:04:26 EDT 2022 | SMTA-64387544
Au thickness of 0.125 um should not cause solder joint embrittlement. Also, PCB fab should offer Au thickness range between 0.05-0.075 um for better process control and reliability. Higher Au thickness may suggest black pads leading to solder joints
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 02 14:23:36 EDT 2022 | SMTA-64387182
We are designing a new PCB that will include a 0.4 mm WLCSP IC package. The OEM’s application-note for this package states ENIG; Au
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 20:17:09 EDT 2022 | SMTA-64387182
Understood, Thanks, Joe
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 03 15:19:32 EDT 2022 | dwl
I don't recall thicknesses off the top of my head but brittleness becomes an issue more for gold plating then ENIG. .125 um should be fine. also, gold ain't cheap so its unlikely your PCB fab will get anywhere near the max tolerance. On the other e
Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 17:44:51 EDT 1999 | Glenn Robertson
| I discovered that we have some gold plated (30 mico in.) through hole connectors which were Paste In Hole soldered (60 sec at reflow) on a HASL PCB. Do we have an embrittlement reliability issue? The calculated volume % of gold in the joints is abo
Electronics Forum | Wed May 05 15:31:14 EDT 2021 | edhare
0.5 to 1 micron is typically too thick and can result in gold embrittlement of the solder joint. Typical IG thickness is 0.18 microns. see https://www.semlab.com/papers/gold-embrittlement-of-solder-joints/ Ed Hare
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 26 00:30:36 EST 2003 | Indy
hi, I wondering if anyone have any information on intermetallic growth in 80Au20Sn solder alloy. I have read that it has high reliability. Which bring an important question to my mind. What about Gold embrittlement ? Bye Indy
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 15 23:35:14 EDT 2007 | Sam
few more questions: Is there any standard saying that the dull surface is accepted if solder Au plated leads? Understand that more than 3% Au in the solder connection leads to unacceptable embrittlement of the connection. How about any standard relat
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 01 13:38:18 EDT 2004 | cyber_wolf
To maybe simplify, contact David Sbiroli(Apps. Engineer) @ Indium corporation. I have worked with Dave on this issue before. He can most likely get you the info you need. 1-800-4 INDIUM PS: Dave F. : My plasma arc accumulator has unusual carbon sco