Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 26 08:52:35 EST 2013 | stephendo
Do you also measure job run time? IF you don't I"m sure if the change over time is measured but not the run time then the run time will go up almost as much as the change over time goes down.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 13:24:56 EST 2013 | dyoungquist
If you stop when the first completed PCB of the next run goes in the oven, wouldn't you be including the loading time for that PCB in your change over time? Wouldn't change over time be from the time your p-n-p machine stops loading the last board o
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 03 23:06:23 EST 2013 | gwego
how do you measure the overall change over time of an smt line? where does it starts and end? lets standardize
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 10 19:42:49 EST 2013 | gwego
anybody can share if there are publications/whitepaper relating how SMT Change-over is Measured? thanks in advance
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 28 11:37:52 EDT 2003 | jax
Herman, Before I get into this I would like to know something. What machine takes the longest to change over? That should be equal to your change over time. If it is not one of your pick and place machines this is all beside the point. I am not sure
Electronics Forum | Tue May 19 19:50:24 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf
Yes, set up/change overs are very quick.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 08:38:26 EST 2013 | cyber_wolf
Changeover starts when the last board from the work order goes into the reflow oven.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 29 05:00:48 EST 2006 | rlackey
You could alternatively look at it another way - the customer asked how quick it would be to change over 20-25 feeders. All of the above machines have the capacity to hold at least double this, so the question is can you run the orignal product, w
Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 19:58:41 EDT 2004 | Alan.
Hi Grant, change over and set up times for the CP's depend on a few things. For one, if you have enough feeders you can have the feeders reeled up ready to go on the machine. The change over will be very quick. If you are lucky enough to o
Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 17:38:11 EDT 2006 | jbrower
Howdy, I have an Electrovert econopak smt II. I'm set to change over in June to SN100C. I won't be changing out anything. I'll just be purging the lead out of the solder pot with a tin bath. I don't expect there to be any problems with our change