Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 04 15:48:25 EST 2011 | ngineer
I would like to get some parts for my Quad IVc, but it seems the prices of feeder bases / feeders / vib feeders are more than the machine cost me, so I was wondering if anyone on here had extra or spare parts that they would like to part with. I'm g
Electronics Forum | Wed May 09 17:49:16 EDT 2012 | dyoungquist
We run a Mydata high mix, low volume line. You can handle strips with either the Agilis feeders (losing the first 5-10 parts) or by placing the strip on the Y or tray wagons. For cheap parts like resistors, capacitors, some diodes and small ICs, ou
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 22 10:15:50 EST 1999 | Boca
Will, Wolfgang and Deon are exactly right on target. You just have to watch which side is built first. I began doing double sided reflow like this in the mid '80's, it works great. I used FR4/ GT material to hold the PCB up off of the conveyor,
Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 12:20:37 EDT 2006 | russ
I would think that you could just add a pot or something to adjust current to fans for pretty cheap Russ P.S. sorry about the fan joke!, had a "good experience" with them once.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 12 15:08:37 EST 2023 | tommy_magyar
We are building our own products and we tend to keep our strips in bags. The same goes for bulk bags. What I would do, should there be no management issues, is to throw any bulk/strips of resistors and capacitors away, as any additional handling giv
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 13 12:02:20 EST 2004 | Rob
I've seen 2 types from China, one type was an amazing copy (Fuji supplier's factory back door possibly?) and the other was a cheap copy. The cheap copy was adequately functional, but I wouldn't want to bet on it's long term life.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 03:45:31 EST 2004 | rlackey
I don't think that the ones I encountered were "fake", I think that they were cheap copies - ie. actually meant to work, not just to part someone with their cash - engineered to a price (just a very low one!). It does seem a bit strange to go to the
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 15 16:30:24 EST 2006 | jwoods
Do you have contact information for Soltec oil and grease suppliers? Part numbers? Prices?
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 02:43:53 EST 2006 | Loco
If you could give me your E-mail address, i'll be happy to supply further information.
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 16 11:59:12 EST 2006 | jwoods
My email is jcwoods@symcominc.com. Thank You