Electronics Forum: chip circuit (Page 1 of 16)

Semiconductor, integrated circuit, circuit board, chip difference

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 01 09:56:22 EDT 2023 | boyabandaoti

Semiconductor is the material to make various electronic devices; The integrated circuit is the electronic device, that is, a certain process is used to make the crystal tube, resistance, capacitance and inductance in a circuit and the connection of

BGA, COB,flip chip

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 22 12:25:03 EST 2001 | dbonilla

Hi: I am looking for companies or consultants that can assists Manufacturing Technology Services ( Technology Alliance Division) to grow in advanced technology processes like BGA, Flip Chip, flex circuits, COB and others. I wish to know availability

The difference between semiconductor integrated circuit packaging circuit board

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 09:43:31 EDT 2023 | boyabandaoti

Semiconductor is the material to make various electronic devices; The integrated circuit is the electronic device, that is, a certain process is used to make the crystal tube, resistance, capacitance and inductance in a circuit and the connection of

Flux residue effects on circuit performance?

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 15 18:59:12 EDT 2002 | davef

Points are: * Seminal study is: "Evaluation of Low Residue Soldering for Military and Commercial Applications: A Report from the Low Residue Soldering Task Force," published by Sandia National Labs in June 1995. Look here http://www.smtnet.com/forums

SMT chip processing short-circuit bad phenomenon

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 06:36:33 EDT 2022 | richardcargill

The PCB needs to have a flat finish to the pads too - HASL finished boards don't work well with fine pitched ICs/QFNs etc

SMT chip processing short-circuit bad phenomenon

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 20:46:35 EDT 2022 | emeto

Also solder paste type, optimized printer parameters suitable for this paste, correct apertures design on the stencil, stencil thickness, proper AAR, mounting accuracy and placement profile, oven profile, board thickness and a few other.

SMT chip processing short-circuit bad phenomenon

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 12:56:13 EDT 2022 | angela t

Thank you for your comment ~ you are awesome, kudos! But I don't quite understand what you mean, could you elaborate on it with me? Thank you very much~

SMT chip processing short-circuit bad phenomenon

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 03 09:46:49 EDT 2022 | angela t

Dear Tamas, thank you for your answer, it's great, would you like to add another friend? Could I add your Contact information? For example whatsapp ,email,or skype,so on.

SMT chip processing short-circuit bad phenomenon

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 27 06:05:50 EDT 2022 | angela t

SMT chip processing short-circuit bad phenomenon mostly in the fine pitch IC pins, mostly in the 0.5mm and the following pitch between the IC pins, because its spacing is small, improperly designed template or printing a slight omission is very easy

SMT chip processing short-circuit bad phenomenon

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 11:01:56 EDT 2022 | tommy_magyar

Ellaborating on Evtimov's answer: - solder paste type, think about solder granulation and viscosity. Both of these will directly affect print quality if wrong print parameters used. You will normally find recommended print parameters on the solder pa

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