Electronics Forum: chip strength (Page 1 of 5)

Re: Adhesive strength specs

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 11 12:03:51 EST 1998 | Bob Willis

As a basic guide the minimum spec you should look for is 500g you should achieve a force on most chip parts of 800-1000g. Parts are lost on wave soldering due to no material, poor curing, poor surface adhesion and poor handling. Its not the wave sold

Component soldering strength ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 21:29:34 EDT 2001 | kennyhktan

Hello Michael & All, Thanks for the feedback. Months ago we receive a number of reject concerning one of the 0805 & 0603 chip capacitor mising (with joint remain on pad)and seriously solder joint fracture. From there I had do some investigation

how to measure Adhesive strength

Electronics Forum | Tue May 12 07:26:16 EDT 2009 | emmanueldavid

Jorge, The basic thumb rule to measure Adhesive Strength remains as bonded Chips at Post Reflow should not move around or misplace when Your Thumb Finger try to do so which called as Thumb Force Test. However as Dave stated, there are various Stre

how to measure Adhesive strength

Electronics Forum | Mon May 11 22:47:45 EDT 2009 | davef

We'd expect that a 0603 in properly cured, in-date code, properly dispensed chip bonder would take 5-8 pounds to push off the board.

Missing componentafter chip placer.

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 19:47:23 EDT 2001 | djarvis

We recently trialled a range of different solder pastes. Some just did not have the "green strength" to hold the components when placed by the higher speed machines. I'd never seen this before and spent a day and a half checking all the things everyo

How to test & measure capacitors/resistors shear force strength

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 30 13:06:50 EST 2001 | aortiz

Hi, I need support on the method or applicable standard to measure the shear force strength on chip capacitors and resistors. I know the soldered joints strength is related to land desing, solder volume, pcb and component solderability, component

chip components (i.e. inductor, capacitor & resistor) more than 2 years from packaging can still be used??

Electronics Forum | Fri May 23 19:59:26 EDT 2014 | jhaye

hi everyone, I just got some question with regards to the life span of components from the date it was packed from supplier. Does the parts more than 2 years from the date it was process by supplier: 1. Can it still be used in PCBA?? 2. will it not

Cap securing...

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 20:42:54 EST 2005 | davef

We don't think chip mount adhesives have very good sheer strength. If there's any flex induced during vibration, we doubt them to be a good choice.

Why gold plating on PCB?

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 05 00:23:53 EDT 2020 | researchmfg

1. To protect the nickel and copper under gold plating from oxidization before soldering. Gold plating can extend the PCB self-life and improve the solderability for 2nd re-flow. 2. Provide a good bonding strength. For Chip on Board process that Gol

Evaluating SMD Adhesives

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 15:02:45 EDT 2001 | davef

It�s uncommon to test green strength. [Whatever �green strength� is. Some chip bonder adhesive suppliers have taken to taking about improvements in �green strength� their literature. We have asked sales types to quantify this and have never heard

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