Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 15:30:38 EDT 2001 | davef
More and more pople are seeing voids in solder connections other than BGA balls than ever before. Thats because they never looked [never had the means to look] before. Now, they can't stand it and, like that zit that their mother told them not to m
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 13:09:49 EDT 2001 | Hussman
Hey Wister, Assuming you are talking about BGA voids, and you just want to try and optimize your profile, you could try a "straight ramp profie". This is where the soak temp is constantly being elivated until you hit reflow. I find this helped me
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 10 04:19:05 EDT 2001 | wister
There are lots of voids at solder joint of chips,the thickness of multilayer pcb is 3.2mm,top side have lots of chip component and bottom side has several BGA and QFPs.For top side profile,the preheat time is about 100s,soak time is about 75s,time ov
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 04 10:59:02 EST 2014 | rrosera
HI, I work for a company in New England and recently had a unusually large number of boards fail after replacing a BGA on them. We use a AirVac DRS25 to remove and replace the BGA witch uses local forced hot air. We usually have at least a 90% s
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 13:57:37 EST 2014 | emeto
Hi, Do you observe any part warping in the corners? Do you X-ray 3D? I really doubt that all joints are fine and the part wouldn't work, but if so, your problem should be part related.If you have a temperature controlled facility I wouldn't even thi
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 20:06:24 EDT 2004 | C.W
Customer returned a brd claim that one of the FPGA is having "cold solder joint". I inspected the the BGA location with X-ray and Ersascope, balls' shape look fine, voids are not detected, perimeter joints show shinny and smooth appearance, i have se
Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 11 11:39:52 EDT 2010 | manchella
When we have sent some of motherboards for reliability testing in a tird party laoratory. It is found that when Dye&Pry is done after 600 cycles of Thermal Cycling, in LGA socket only one of the corner solder joing had 100% type 3 crack. All other so
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 08 10:56:13 EST 2009 | aj
Hi, Is there any PTH Assembly after reflow, we found cracked joints on some BGAs which was caused by operators ing Oupin connectors which were a tight fit. This caused the PCB to flex hence cracking joints. One way of checking for this during test
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 15:13:16 EST 2017 | georgetruitt
Is the process the same for every product running through the selective solder machine? Load program, acquire or set up fixture, Change/load flux?, Change/Load solder pot? Are the machines cold when the operators need to use them or are the machin
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 07 00:18:14 EST 2009 | milanrit
Recently on one of my assemblies(sn/pb) I started seeing leaded BGA failure at functinal test for opens, but when I inspected them through 5DX and ERSA Scope it doesnt seem like there is any opens or insufficient and half no. of boards passed functio