Electronics Forum: cp45fv alarm in mir axis (Page 1 of 1)

Samsung CP45FV NEO Alarm in WIDTH axis

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 17:02:32 EDT 2019 | eurolan

Hello, our Samsung CP45FV NEO is suddenly throwing an [1002] ALARM occurred in WIDTH axis. I guess it has to do with the automatic conveyor width function. Anyone can help to solve this? Thanks!

Samsung CP45FV NEO main start switch problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 10 20:34:44 EDT 2021 | jamesatqkits

Hi Could you explain what the IF board is? I am getting a 1002 ALARM occurred in MIR axis, i cannot figure out what its trying to tell me. I have never been able to make this machine work. Would you have any ideas? Thank you have a great day. I was r


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