Electronics Forum: dial (Page 1 of 11)

Q on YV88X push-in dial not moving

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 21:23:37 EDT 2022 | kumarb

Hi. On our YV88X (Emerald-X), we use the edge clamp + Push-IN clamp to secure the PCB. The push-in metal part pops up fine but unable to move this piece to the LEFT or RIGHT using the dial inside the machine. The latch inside the machine is rotated '

Q on YV88X push-in dial not moving

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 20 18:06:37 EDT 2022 | kumarb

For future readers - just needed a little bit of lube. Many thanks to Michal & the staff @ Trans-Tec (USA) for their excellent support, as always. Please see attached. For our (dated) machine, the black dial would turn only after hitting the gym

CP6 Nozzle sticking

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 25 11:36:30 EST 2006 | dougs

thats an expensive looking jig for a calibration that you do on the machine using a dial gage.

Leader tape on partial reels

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 31 16:06:58 EST 2006 | GS

I think this can be of help when dialing with setting up feeders for product prototyping, where often we have to dial with a short quantity of components (often pieces of carrier tape w/o tape and cover leader) just enough to run (if lucky) those few

To reduce the dross formation in wave soldering process

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 09:54:59 EDT 2010 | baildl632

What type of wave machine? Does your machine have a pump speed dial? Does your machine have the ability to raise and lower the pot? Raise pot to as close as possible to the pallets/boards and make sure they can pass over the nozzle without hanging o

Get back on the wall

Electronics Forum | Wed May 17 17:13:47 EDT 2000 | Michael Parker

The MoonMan has spoken. Everybody get back up on the wall, its been long enough that this has been "off the wall". Wish I had more Rambus chips, just got my SMT process dialed in and ran out of stock. Damn.

Bottom side SMT wave vs. top side reflow yields

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 20:00:32 EDT 2002 | iceman

Steve, I agree, you should expect to have better results from double sided reflow. It is more difficult to dial in a wave solder process for SMT components than a reflow oven. Besides that - adhesive is just no fun to work with.

Reflow Oven Recipes

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 27 08:35:54 EDT 2003 | davef

We run a few standard recipes, because we don't like waiting for and determining if our oven has stabalized after dialing-in a new recipe.

Soldering Lead-Free Components with Leaded Paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 07 16:12:03 EDT 2003 | davef

We have been soldering lead-free components on the products with SnPb solder for 10 plus years. Over those years, TI has shipped 20 billion parts with Pd solderability protection. Turn-up the dial on your oven and push on to other things.

Measure the flatness of a surface

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 09:17:13 EDT 2004 | russ

For flatness - Put the part on a leveling plate and roll a dial indicator across it. The leveling plate is not required for a true flatness check but using this will also work for parallelism of lead base to top of body.

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