Electronics Forum: diode

Cracked Capacitors - Analysis

Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 07:38:30 EDT 2019 | stephendo

If it happened after a high energy event then maybe the root cause is a lack of TVS diodes in the design of the circuit. Or if they are ceramic diodes then maybe they are too close to the edge and have flex cracks.

Re: BAS32 diode broken

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 12:22:52 EST 2000 | Mikel Rodriguez

The diode doesn�t appear completely broken. It takes a bit white color (cristal break, I think), instead of the normal red/orange. It works like a 20K-200K ohm resistor. !The diode can be working properly and sometimes change to bad! I think it may

Reflow of SMT Glue / Adhesives

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 09:22:02 EDT 2003 | davef

Higher that recommended is more brittle. Look here: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=17906 Q2: Will some of my Ceramic Caps crack during the wave soldering process because of the heat? A2: Probably Q3: Can you see any pos

FR-2 against CEM-1

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 25 07:35:04 EDT 2000 | Mikel Rodriguez

Hello, We are using FR-2 in boards 15x10cm size, with SMD and thru hole components (about 100 SMD and 50 thru hole). We have some "rare" problems (flex cracks or caps, diodes, and so on). Would we improve something by using CEM-1 instead of FR-2?? Mo

Epoxy damaging SMT Components

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 10 21:41:54 EST 2010 | plaiming

We experiences some failures on PCB assemblies from the field when a methacrylate epoxy adhesive was used to secure some through-hole components to pcb board as reinforcement against vibration. During application, the epoxy covered some smaller SMT c

Re: Cracking Capacitors and Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 15:01:58 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan

There are some common reason for capacitor cracking on my web page if you want to have a look. The document can be downloaded for your reference. | Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior

Re: Cracking Capacitors and Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 15:00:12 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan

There are some common reason for capacitor cracking on my web page if you want to have a look. The document can be downloaded for your reference. | Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior

Cracking Capacitors and Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:19:30 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan

Earl, et al, Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. First the caps. We still have

Re: Cracking Capacitors and Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 15:29:17 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan

| Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. | First the caps. We stil

Re: Cracking Capacitors and Solder Balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 08 14:52:16 EDT 1998 | Gary Simbulan

| Earl, et al, | Boy things get old and cold around here fast. I promised more detail on my capactior problem and I thought I could drop something completely different in the same message and tell a tale of solder balls. | First the caps. We stil


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