Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 19 10:53:15 EST 2019 | kithnelso
Can any one tell me what I would need to replace this yellow disc. I have another board that this part has burned up, and I need to find a replacement. The manufacturer is Buss, however I cannot find any information with the numbers printed on it. Th
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 27 17:21:19 EDT 2013 | ericrr
A mistake happened at our company before I got there where a wrong value was used, so now we have to check it with someone else to make sure the old empty reel is the same value as the new full reel. Some months after I started, I decided to check t
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 12:36:11 EST 2000 | Dave F
Dave: I haven't located something to support your contention, yet, and I'm not going to comment on the factors that drive reliability beyond component selection, because I know that you've got some sweaty-palmed sales type wringing his hands waiting
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