Electronics Forum: dose (Page 1 of 5)

DEK Infinity Machine Setup password???

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 31 16:56:04 EST 2017 | tlake1974

Dose anyone know the Machine Settings password for a DEK Infinity?

Transparent PCB

Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 23:50:03 EDT 2017 | jameschoue

Hello guys, Dose anyone know flex transparent PCB manufactory? Best in Asia Thanks for your help! James

IC Contamination

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 22 09:32:27 EDT 2001 | Steve L

The solder joint appeared dull and there is dewetting on the PCB after Reflow. The leads of IC we used appeared dull grey before soldering. Dose anyone happen to know if there is a standard to verify the IC contamination and how to deal with the con

HSP 4792 dull cutters

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 19 17:39:07 EST 2003 | pdeuel

Dose the tolerances for the cutting blade and anvil on a HSP-4792 allow for sharpening. Replacement blades are over 2k$ and Universal tells me that tolerances wont allow sharpening. Can a percision sharpening shop be reccomended. Thanks in advance fo

Mydata vib feeders

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 25 15:13:30 EST 2005 | pdeuel

Also search "Tape and Reel" useing your favorite search engine. We sometimes have an outside vendor tape this stuff for us. They use generic mod tape that dose not fit properly the parts supplied to them that also causes pick problems.

Rohs parts

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 30 09:18:35 EDT 2005 | Slaine

As Rohs parts with lead free solders dont wet as well your operator may be mistaking this for oxidisation. there is also the posibility that the parts are manufactured with HMP solder (92.5% lead) also rosh complient but the solder dose oxidise.

APE Sniper System

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 10 10:20:23 EST 2005 | James

I think the moonman's site needs a dose of Ritalin, it's got a bad case of ADD and I can't find any useful info either.

Barrel fill with Pb Free Wave Solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 12 10:00:57 EST 2008 | gregoryyork

Hi Patrick Yes we have some that you cant tell the difference. BUT machine set up and angle are extremely important with Lead Free as is the dosing alloy. Cheers Greg

quad qsp

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 21:27:15 EDT 2010 | comprep

I need some info on a xp upgrade for a quad qsp2 dose it have aney binifit over win 98.

Mirtec MV-2HTL pen marker: How does it work?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 04 18:08:26 EST 2011 | eadthem

There is a option to enable no good marking that must be enabled on the board options where you reset your board count and images. dose the marker zero on startup?. If not then it may also need enabled in the inspector settings. ead

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