Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 15:06:05 EST 2005 | Zlatan
Would you be able to share with me, what specific abnormal chemical reaction could happen? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 27 14:24:05 EST 2005 | davef
pmdeuel: Was that "about 60 %solder and 40 % flux" according to volume or weight?
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 17:57:32 EST 2005 | Austinj
Most solder paste has a shelf life of 1 week at room temperature after opened, if resealed at the end of the shift/day. Most shelf lives are 4-6 months at 40F (refridgerated) or 1 month at room temp (unopened/sealed). Recommended stencil life is appr
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 12:42:53 EST 2005 | griinder
I was curious if anyone else has ever added water soluble flux to water soluble solder paste that is only a few days old, but is too dry to use in production. Also, are there any known bad side effects to this process. I have already searched the arc
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 27 13:42:44 EST 2005 | pmdeuel
So true, We had paste flux supplied to us from Alpha metals. It was the same as used in the solder paste. The major problem we noted was the in ability to control the ratio of paste to flux resulting in lots of voids. When we mixed enough to get the
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 08:15:57 EST 2005 | davef
We've talked about this previously. Search the fine SMTnet Archives. For instance: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Message_ID=31767
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 23 17:24:06 EST 2005 | Austinj
Solder spattering, solder balls, components "popping" off pads........ Not a serious chemical reaction, however, as replied to by KEN on 12/21/04 in a similar article: "Are you adding liquid flux? Or paste "Gel" flux? If liquid flux: This, in my m
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 27 23:49:40 EDT 2013 | cedric77
I had a solder paste SAC305 T4, with flux loading of 11.5%. After retrieivng out from fridge(5deg) after 48hrs, the paste turn dry (like dry mud? and after double checking the flux loading it becomes 12.5%. Has anyone ever experience this or any opi
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 14 14:05:31 EDT 2013 | ericrr
So how does one check the flux loading?
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 14 22:28:37 EDT 2013 | cedric77
1.Weight the paste 2.reflow the paste 3.clean the residue from the reflow ingot 4.weight the ingot By using simple calculation we can extract the percentage of metal or flux loading from the solder paste.