Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 11:13:30 EST 2014 | capse
Cope Assembly Products represents Technical Devices for their well established line of in-line and batch aqueous cleaners. You should give them a look. Our customers are extremely satisfied with their systems. http://www.technicaldev.com/index.html
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 08 12:10:29 EST 2014 | mlevesque
Hello everyone!! We are looking for a new PCB batch cleaner and I want know what is the best machine in the market according to you. WE have an AAT Aquatherm 9200 and it's a big crap, the machine is always broken. Aqueous Trident seems to be inter
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 15:40:58 EST 2014 | davef
Batch cleaner Aqueous Technologies, 9055 Rancho Park Ct, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730; 909-944-7771 F909-944-7775 aqueoustech.com Austin American Technology; 12201 Technology Blvd, Austin, TX 78727; 512-35-6400 F512-335-5753 aat-corp.com EMC Global Tec
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 26 20:49:19 EDT 2007 | davef
Batch cleaner * Aqueous Technologies, 9055 Rancho Park Ct, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730; 909-944-7771 F909-944-7775 aqueoustech.com * Austin American Technology; 12201 Technology Blvd, Austin, TX 78727; 512-35-6400 F512-335-5753 aat-corp.com * EMC Glob
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 00:49:07 EDT 2007 | Ron Rumrill
Let me chime-in regarding impact pressure. By definition, impact pressure is determined by several factors: 1. The weight of the water (a constant) 2. Its velocity (determined by the GPM and nozzle�s orifice size) 3. The area impinged (determined
Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 13:18:01 EDT 2004 | russ
Low cost and small footprint usually dictate a batch cleaner Russ
Electronics Forum | Fri May 14 15:41:25 EDT 2004 | pjc
The following some leading companies that supply in-line and batch type cleaners: http://www.speedlinetech.com/electrovert/index.aspx http://www.trekindustries.com/index.html http://www.aat-corp.com/ http://www.technicaldev.com/nuclean.html Some
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 11 12:02:52 EST 2014 | javierec
Process: Batch Cleaner, @16% concentration. Concentration is checked daily. Cleaning after Wave Process. See attached pictures and comment and what you think causes the solder joint to turn grey. i have read post that say the grey dull looking sol
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 17 06:44:51 EDT 2006 | Mark W
ECD sold its cleaning division to Austin America. They are now the supporting company for this product.