Electronics Forum: ekra grab error (Page 1 of 4)


Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 02 14:56:30 EDT 2024 | kingkelvin

Hi all - my problem is a bit worse now - I can get all hydra tests to pass in extended service, except indicator levels at current 7 a bit high past 190 limit at ~210-220 - other than that hydra bank re-installs OK - but still it makes a bad hitting

EKRA E4 protection fault error message

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 08:33:30 EST 2016 | claudea2

Hello, Our EKRA E4 goes off-line after this error message: Application error: SCB16 caused a General Protection Fault in module SBCDRV.EXE at 0011:10DD. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? It is running Windows for workgroup 3.11

MPM Accuflex "USC park failed" error during initialization

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 01 19:02:48 EST 2022 | proceng1

USC PArk is your underside stencil cleaner. The camera pushes it back and a magnet grabs it and holds it back. Ours did this many years ago. I pulled the rear cover and initialized the machine, when the camera pushes the stencil back, grab it and

Mydata (MY12) error-Frame Grab and Light Curtain

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 25 13:09:42 EDT 2009 | rmitchell

Thanks to those that responded. I eliminated the light curtain problem. The metal plate the light curtain pcb bolts to was bent. I had it aligned in our machine shop and it worked properly. I forgot to mention the error was pooping up with no fee

Mydata (MY12) error-Frame Grab and Light Curtain

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 13:59:08 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf

The Hydra camera is a linescan camera on our machine.

Mydata (MY12) error-Frame Grab and Light Curtain

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 22 16:39:10 EDT 2009 | rmitchell

Hi, We are getting a E-Hydra-1 Frame grabbing failed on caps and resistors and also a Light Curtain trigger X wagon. I spoke with mydata and they indicated the light curtain might be getting set off and causing the frame grabbing failure. I cleane

EKRA E5 maschine nicht ansprechbar

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 23 02:14:12 EDT 2016 | nikkilouie

hi guys, is there anyone know how to repair this error "maschine nicht ansprechbar" or "machine unresponsive". This error is from EKRA E5. thanks for any help..

Ekra E5 Camera Y Stop Error

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 08 01:30:02 EST 2017 | nikkilouie

Im having trouble with and Ekra x5 machine. It > works fine when up being run constantly, but if > it sits for 10-15 minutes when you try to move > the Y table to the front of the machine it makes > a loud sound as if the table is hitting/catchin

Mydata (MY12) error-Frame Grab and Light Curtain

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 26 21:45:37 EDT 2009 | casmt

It didn't see the ref points on the bottom of the hydra head. start by checking the camera for dirt or dropped parts. Is it a hydra camera or Linescan?

Mydata (MY12) error-Frame Grab and Light Curtain

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 03 07:26:01 EDT 2009 | cflames17

Check the reference plate on the hydra to make sure it is not cracked or delaminated. I have had problems with the glue coming loose and the plate flapping causing this same problem. check hydra camera calibrations, this to may help.

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