Electronics Forum: ekra x4 fault code (Page 1 of 1)

Ekra X4 Blues

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 27 22:04:24 EST 2023 | kumarb

Hi. Our X4 is posting the attached error code. In the reference menu, the table dances to align with the SMD stencil and the shuttled PCB. During this activity, hearing some new mechanical ticking sounds that were not hear before. Any suggestions on

Ekra X6 vs. MPM Momentum Screen Printer

Electronics Forum | Tue May 10 21:13:03 EDT 2022 | kumarb

We have an Ekra X4 that we purchased ages ago but the line was idle due to numerous SMT supplier faults including defective used feeders and other issues. Now all is working well and we may consider to upgrade to a current Yamaha or Juki RX-8. Doing


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