Electronics Forum: electrolytic capacitor reflow issues (Page 1 of 8)

Soldering electrolytic capacitor

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 07:15:41 EDT 2017 | emeto

My pallet is 13mm high(because of electrolytics)and I have a issues with TH parts. Removing them will reduce my pallet height significantly and will fix my current issues.

Soldering electrolytic capacitor

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 12 07:33:11 EDT 2017 | bk

Another option you can try is to use solder paste with a dispensing machine and then use a hot air gun to reflow the solder paste on the smd caps

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 02 02:47:54 EST 2008 | act_smt

Thanks for the resources. I plan on contacting them to get some answers. I hope this all works out for us & can help others someday should they come accross similar issues too. Thanks again.

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 20:03:19 EST 2008 | davef

Here are people at IPC that can direct you to the people you need to talk to about the issues that you have with the standards: * Jack Crawford, IOM, IPC Director Certification and Assembly Technology, crawja@ipc.org 847-597-2893, 847-615-5693 * Dav

Tantalum capacitor mis-alignment & throwoff issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 09:50:44 EST 2018 | stephendo

Once a long time ago I had a board where the cap beside a tantalum shifted in the oven. I phoned our HQ plant and was told that they had the same issue and that it was the tantalum capacitor outgassing. We just applied a dot of glue to the cap. Try b

Tantalum capacitor mis-alignment & throwoff issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 05:06:48 EST 2018 | premkumar_haribabu

Hi Team, We using one of tanatalum capacitor ( vishay) for many models , in this we facing mis-alignment & throwoff issues after post reflow stage. After my analysis,my suspection is that due to one side part termination design ( square cut) issues

Ag/Pd termination reflow soldering issues

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 08:14:20 EDT 2007 | davef

Silver palladium termination * AgPd-terminated capacitors are designed for conductive adhesion. Reflow or wave soldering is not recommended. [EPCOS Multilayer ceramic capacitors, Soldering directions, October 2006] * CONDUCTIVE EPOXY BONDING. Epoxy c

Ag/Pd termination reflow soldering issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 16:54:32 EDT 2007 | flipit

I don't suggest using Pd/Ag or Ag/Pd terminated components unless you are forced to use them. You often see a line of demarcation that suggests a poorly wetted solder joint. I have had bad experiences with Pd/Ag terminated capacitors. Even when so

VIGON A200 and aluminium electrolytic capacitors problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 21 12:06:16 EST 2013 | rgduval

The last time I got corroded parts out of my wash was when my DI tanks were spent, and I was pretty much using straight tap water. Refreshing the DI tanks eliminated my issue. Hope this helps. cheers, ..rob

Aluminium capacitor rotation after soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 21:21:06 EDT 2015 | comatose

We see this from time to time. Usually, one of the leads of an electrolytic is attached to a ground plane, and the other to a trace. The ground plane acts as a big heat sink and reflows significantly later than the trace. If you have glue in your li

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