Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 02:53:31 EST 2004 | galp
Chack this contact "micro Assembly technology" tel: +972-4-9592225
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 07:02:14 EST 2004 | davef
Cntinuing with the previous thread: http://www.mat-ltd.com/
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 15:31:54 EST 2004 | GP
We are looking for machine that can do the following: bonding of 0.5x0.5x0.8mm mm cramic part. - detect target surface position 1.5x0.8mm - dispance a drop of 0.8mm of epoxy adhesive on trget surface with position accuracy of +/-0.04mm. - pick the 0.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 21:47:56 EDT 2009 | davef
In response to your question: 3 Saponifier / non saponifier 3a Saponifiers: * Aqueous Technologies: PCB-Wash http://www.aqueoustech.com * Kyzen: XJN http://www.kyzen.com * EnviroSense: Enviro Gold #816 http://www.envirosense-inc.com 3b Non-Sapo
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 14:23:47 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory
Hi ya'll! Well, I got the word that I can start looking for a rework machine now. Most of you know that I work at a start-up, so it goes without saying that we're not rolling in the dough. I've been looking at Pace's TF700 Thermaflow...seems pr
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 04 08:10:38 EST 1999 | Tenison Stone
Steve, I was expecting a closeup like Bob's picture. Tenison | Hi ya'll! | | Well, I got the word that I can start looking for a rework machine now. Most of you know that I work at a start-up, so it goes without saying that we're not rollin
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 02 18:09:28 EST 2004 | resslerr
There are a few solution out there...Aegis, Valor, Technomatix...each with their own shortcomings. Check out the integrated solution offered by Router Solutions Inc. & Sony. They offer a real solution to cover the entire assembly and test cycle, wi
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 08:34:51 EST 1999 | Nancy Vandemark
Love the picture. We are considering the PRC 1500. It combines a thermoflo unit with a MBT 250A which we currently use. Does anyone know the difference between the TF200 and the TF700? This is the first I have seen the TF700 mentioned. Also, what
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 09:00:23 EST 1998 | Dave F
| I am interested in inspection machines working with comparation, the results that I need for inspections are missing parts, component offset, polarized components, etc. The machine can work in line or off line. | | Thanks for help. Sergio. | Serg
Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 16:29:34 EDT 2006 | smt_guru
Yet another example of narrow focus. "What's the best and latest machine out there, and should I use a technology that's been around for decades." Wrong approach there, Chunks! Think outside the box. My firm, Worldtronics Consultancy Services, In
Reflow ovens for automated SMT PCB assembly, specializing in lead free processing and nitrogen reflow. The best convection reflow ovens on the market.
4 Vreeland Rd.
Florham Park, NJ USA
Phone: 973-377-6800