Electronics Forum: electronic assemblies inc. laguna (Page 1 of 13)

micro assembly technology inc. dispensing at 20um resolution

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 02:53:31 EST 2004 | galp

Chack this contact "micro Assembly technology" tel: +972-4-9592225

micro assembly technology inc. dispensing at 20um resolution

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 18 07:02:14 EST 2004 | davef

Cntinuing with the previous thread: http://www.mat-ltd.com/

micro assembly technology inc. dispensing at 20um resolution

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 15 15:31:54 EST 2004 | GP

We are looking for machine that can do the following: bonding of 0.5x0.5x0.8mm mm cramic part. - detect target surface position 1.5x0.8mm - dispance a drop of 0.8mm of epoxy adhesive on trget surface with position accuracy of +/-0.04mm. - pick the 0.

ionic residues on the surface of printed circuit assemblies

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 21:47:56 EDT 2009 | davef

In response to your question: 3 Saponifier / non saponifier 3a Saponifiers: * Aqueous Technologies: PCB-Wash http://www.aqueoustech.com * Kyzen: XJN http://www.kyzen.com * EnviroSense: Enviro Gold #816 http://www.envirosense-inc.com 3b Non-Sapo

Pace TF700 Rework Machine...is it okay?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 14:23:47 EST 1999 | Steve Gregory

Hi ya'll! Well, I got the word that I can start looking for a rework machine now. Most of you know that I work at a start-up, so it goes without saying that we're not rolling in the dough. I've been looking at Pace's TF700 Thermaflow...seems pr

Re: Pace TF700 Rework Machine...is it okay?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 04 08:10:38 EST 1999 | Tenison Stone

Steve, I was expecting a closeup like Bob's picture. Tenison | Hi ya'll! | | Well, I got the word that I can start looking for a rework machine now. Most of you know that I work at a start-up, so it goes without saying that we're not rollin

Fuji Flexa and Aegis w/ Circuitcam or Unicam w/Assembly Expert

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 02 18:09:28 EST 2004 | resslerr

There are a few solution out there...Aegis, Valor, Technomatix...each with their own shortcomings. Check out the integrated solution offered by Router Solutions Inc. & Sony. They offer a real solution to cover the entire assembly and test cycle, wi

Re: Pace TF700 Rework Machine...is it okay?

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 05 08:34:51 EST 1999 | Nancy Vandemark

Love the picture. We are considering the PRC 1500. It combines a thermoflo unit with a MBT 250A which we currently use. Does anyone know the difference between the TF200 and the TF700? This is the first I have seen the TF700 mentioned. Also, what

Re: Inspection machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 09:00:23 EST 1998 | Dave F

| I am interested in inspection machines working with comparation, the results that I need for inspections are missing parts, component offset, polarized components, etc. The machine can work in line or off line. | | Thanks for help. Sergio. | Serg

Laser Depaneling / Routing

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 16:29:34 EDT 2006 | smt_guru

Yet another example of narrow focus. "What's the best and latest machine out there, and should I use a technology that's been around for decades." Wrong approach there, Chunks! Think outside the box. My firm, Worldtronics Consultancy Services, In

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