Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 06:09:50 EDT 2018 | mk15
hello, Does anyone know about the error F-MOT-MOVE X/245 Motor drive inhibited. The machine hardware initiation ready and approximately an hour later, you will see an error. Thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 18 16:09:34 EDT 2018 | emeto
Interesting. What changes in 1 hour? Is there any connection between the error and feeder/magazine change, load reload? Is there any other factor observed in the hour of work that is abnormal?
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 19 08:35:52 EDT 2018 | stephendo
IIRC There is a friction test? If I remember correctly, what is the result?
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 23 11:19:46 EDT 2018 | tech1
This wound up being a power supply cutting out after a period of operation.
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 01:13:55 EDT 2018 | mk15
thank you for your advice, the problem was in the elmo source 350V, there was a problem of dropping voltage when the engine accelerated.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 25 02:15:07 EST 2019 | mk15
it is possible to test x belt motor and x wagon motor.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 10 15:30:56 EDT 2015 | tamazula
good afternoon we have a M12 MYDATA gives us an error code (f-mot-move x / 143. position out of bounds, lower end) and can not initialize the hardware. If you can help please .... thank you ...
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 12 11:21:43 EDT 2018 | tech1
There are 2-X motors and numerous items that could be causing this: 1 of the X motors, 1 of the X transducers, 1 of the couplings connecting the motor and transducer, X Kevlar Belt. If you know how to go into the service portion of the software you
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 22 00:09:29 EST 2019 | mk15
I am looking for some help for where to look to fix this MY15E problem. 1. after hardware initiation appear - F-MOT-MOVE X/250: Motor speed out of control (photo1). 2. in service mode when x motor initiate appear - F-MOT-MSETDYN X/12: No axis movemen
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 25 10:57:31 EST 2019 | rgduval
You should be able to see the counts in the service screen for the motors while testing them...that's usually the easiest way to see if they're functioning...at least the encoders. In some of the older systems, the drive motors were all the same, an