Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 09 11:15:48 EDT 2011 | temelyucel
we are looking for ex field engineer for uic gsm1 and gsm2 machines
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 15:26:42 EDT 2011 | vickt
what region? and to contract or for hire?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 13:41:55 EDT 2011 | mmjm_1099
I am looking for one in the Wisconsin area. I have a GSM1 I purcahsed and need sonmeone to come in get it up and running so I can resell it on the used market.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 28 20:19:14 EDT 2011 | edwaterfall01
Ex UIC FE (15 years) available for service work on all GSMs. If interested we can arrange to discuss further.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 06 01:57:09 EDT 2009 | clau
Hi If i am from Romania it is ok for you?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 30 13:25:21 EDT 2009 | esolano
Hi, We are currently looking for a field service engineer/technician for one of our clients' Philips FCM II. The production site is in Richmond Hill Ontario, Canada. Please contact us at salestor@tekmart.com if you know someone in Ontario and/or you
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 06 09:37:11 EDT 2009 | esolano
Hi, I thank you for your response. It is a very small job and we do require help from within Ontario Canada to keep this operation cost effective. If you want us to keep you on the list in case we require your help in future, please send me
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 25 17:20:55 EST 2016 | tombstonesmt
I'm guessing a field engineer with access disk will be the only person that can update or install recognition software. I just verified our machine does have a recognition version in that field. I would call Panasonic Factory Solutions and ask.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 25 10:37:15 EDT 2003 | jonfox
I'm a former Multi field engineer and one of the last ones to work on the Ragens. Contact me offline at jonf@scc-inc.com
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 15 00:50:45 EDT 2012 | mdang
Do anyone know a good field engineer or Technical Support for FUJI SMT CP42, CP643 in southern California? Thanks, -Michael