Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 09:47:56 EST 2006 | pjc
If you are using VOC free flux, then forced convection preheats are better at evaporating the water. That may be why you're getting the "splatter". Plus, forced convection preheaters are most efficient at thermal transfer. See if you can get one to p
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 31 05:27:30 EST 2006 | Loco
Hi Ronald, We have both, 2x calrod on our leaded delta and calrod/convection on our leadfree, both are IR in 3th zone. Indeed, the forced convection is way more efficient, we can run it at 100deg C, where we would need 300deg C for the calrod for t
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 09:24:21 EST 2006 | ronalds
I have some problems in sufficient preheating the pcb's. They splatter on the mainwave, causing solderballing. Less flux causes problems with the fill of the through- holes. We use a Delta Wave with 3 preheat zones, the first two are calrods the thi
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 09:43:31 EST 2006 | russ
Are your preheaters maxed out then? What is conveyor speed? anyway I would not have issue with that configuration at all. I have actually found that when using convection for some watersolubles you actually dry out flux and performance is worse.
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 17 03:03:56 EDT 2004 | soease
thank you Grant and dreamsniper for these shared experiences; I think I'll still try some vapor phase just to have a look to this process, but will focus on a convection as long as it's the actually chosen technology in the company and that it's expe
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 11:36:23 EDT 2004 | soease
Hi everybody, now that lead-free is coming, I'm looking forward to change the oven we own in company I work for. Eternal question: what's the best oven technology on market. I allready know that we won't work with IR ovens, but I would like to have
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 03:25:48 EDT 2004 | soease
Hi, cool news! I'll try to cook some as soon as I get some experiment material. Thank you for the test method. Rgds
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 10:02:51 EST 2006 | ronalds
Thank you for your input. Indeed, I am using a VOC free waterbased flux.
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 12:23:17 EDT 2004 | soease
Thanx a lot for advice... My only question is: did you had troubles with prehaeating of the boards? I heard it was the only critical point due to chosen technology, infrared preheat (if it's still IR). I allready checked Vitronics Soltec and IBL,
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 20:19:10 EDT 2004 | Grant
Hi, We have both Vapor Phase ASSCON semi auto as well as Soltec convection inline ovens. I must say we had no end of problems with Vapor Phase. We tried everything, and just could not totally eliminate tomb-stoning completely. We would always get a