Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 17:31:57 EDT 2022 | kojotssss
Hi, Fuji flexa V6.28.0 Medit V21.4.0 Pay attention: Fuji flexa soon will be end of support, Nexim will be.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 12:29:55 EDT 2022 | ludo
hello, I am looking for information on new versions of Director fujiflexa and Medit. currently for Medit I am in version 18,4,0,13 and for Director fuji flexa I am in version 6,23,0,2 Is there a newer software version?
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 31 05:59:23 EDT 2022 | ludo
Thank you very much for this information.
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 23 20:29:00 EST 2010 | fujiphil
For SMT machines, FUJI is one of the best. NXT2, speed and accuracy are excellent. AIMEX is a new machine. I do not know if this machine already release in the market. As far as I know, AIMEX is much faster than NXT2. Machine are maintenance friend
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 15 15:49:33 EST 2007 | mmjm_1099
Call your local Fuji sales rep becuase it sounds like you need the Flexa interface for the machine.
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 05 15:27:44 EDT 2012 | empac
Hi, Anyone with Fuji Flexa experience , please contact me . Regards, Bob
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 02 10:51:22 EST 2005 | aj
Hi, We are considering/hoping to upgrade from MCS to Fuji Flexa. Obviously the latter is the way to go but could any current users advise pro's and con's and capabilities on Fuji Flexa. Cheers, Alan
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 10:37:36 EDT 2019 | dman97
I also forgot to add that if the proper data was not generated by flexa for the CP6, then flexa will not communicate with the machine. You need to flush the proper and resend using flexa for the communications to work correcty. Good luck!
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 17 08:56:13 EST 2011 | zavalko
Hi! Our company is Fuji's distributor in Russia. AIMEX couldn't be much faster than NXT2. There are four heads limit in the AIMEX while NXT can have dozens of modules & heads in single machine. It's hard to get a field data on AIMEX. Machine was re
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 11:02:15 EDT 2019 | dman97
You never answered my question on the proper data. Do you have a hard copy of the proper data? Is the diskette (if you have it) in Fuji Flexa format? In order for flexa to communicate with the CP6, you must have the correct proper data.