Electronics Forum: fuji mcs 30 controller (Page 1 of 9)

MCS 30 controller

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 23 22:01:15 EDT 2006 | smtek_cc

My friend just purchased a MCS30 controller(A) recently, but this controller doesn't have the error code file in the system. If I can find another normal functioning MCS30 controller(B), how can I extract the error file from it(B) and what is the pr

MCS 30 Monitor

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 20:34:29 EDT 2024 | rdssmt

Somebody have a monitor for Fuji MCS30 CPU or complete that sell me please. I have only CPU, Keyboard and cables.

ProSmt+ Fuji controller

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 17 16:21:20 EDT 2009 | gregf912

I have not played with ProSMT software but I have used both MCS and F4G. MCS was good for its time, 15-20 years ago, but F4G is much better and easier to use. The windows interface works well and F4G and has optimizers for Cp, IP, QP machines. F4G wa

ProSmt+ Fuji controller

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 17:42:10 EDT 2009 | peteb

Hi, does anyone have experience with this software? Pros cons Vs. F4G or MCS. Any input would be appreciated.

ProSmt+ Fuji controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 16 07:40:06 EDT 2009 | jdengler

Hi Pete, For the price the ProSmt+ is good. I do not have much experience with F4G but do with MCS. It very easy to use with a few exceptions. The PD editor on ProSMT+ is buggy. If you copy a PD edit it and save it under a new name it's lnked so

ProSmt+ Fuji controller

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 05:55:51 EDT 2009 | dataline

Hi Jerry, If you want to make upgrade, pls. visit website and download new upgrade to your ProSmt+ software, or better and easier let me know, than we prapare new set for you (free of charge). There is no bugs and lot of new functions in the latest

cpk measurement on fuji equipment

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 04 12:22:07 EDT 2001 | davef

Several points: * Consider that your Cpk is probably different for both placing large and small components. * Probably your routine placement rate SB the speed you use to monitor the accuracy of your process. * Some people use a calibrated glass test

Fuji MCS 30 Formatting Hard Drive

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 29 08:48:39 EDT 2005 | jdengler

The MCS30 maintenance manual has a procedure near the back on exactly what to do for this error. Jerry

Fuji MCS 30 Formatting Hard Drive

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 27 19:06:03 EDT 2005 | Abid

I have a HDD/SUB red led on, it means that hard drive needs formatting. In order to format I need to know what size is the hard drive. How can I find out ?.

Fuji MCS 30 Formatting Hard Drive

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 04:24:24 EDT 2005 | ajaydoshi

It is not require to format. just instal system disck again. mostly it will be through & data also saved. if you format all data will go

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