Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 16 09:37:11 EST 2006 | mgillespie
hi, > > we tried to introduce form-flex a few > years back and it caused more problems than it > fixed. > > Switched back to pins and no > problems. > > It might have improved since but I > would be reluctant to get them again unless I was >
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 16 03:43:54 EST 2006 | aj
hi, we tried to introduce form-flex a few years back and it caused more problems than it fixed. Switched back to pins and no problems. It might have improved since but I would be reluctant to get them again unless I was given a 6 month trial!! aj
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 21:23:30 EST 2006 | Wave Master Larry
Well see you wrong. I've done this kind of thing for 12 years and I cna tell you that suporting boards with anything else will cause more problems. wave is an art tha needs to be respected even by engineers at AI. Once you get the process down the
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 09:22:12 EST 2006 | Mity-C
We have just had gridlock installed on 4 DEK screen printers. I agree that if it partially catches a component you will have misprints. In the same respect, if a hard pin is placed in the wrong location, you will get misprints and or damaged componen
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 15 21:18:03 EST 2006 | Spilly McNugglets
It's cumbersome. Also if it catches a part partially after initial set-up, you'll get missprints. We had one and caused about 15% missprints. Once removed and hard pin in place, no missprints. Defeats vacuum board hold down too, from all of it's
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 21:23:45 EST 2006 | Wave Master Larry
Alpha-numeric suck! Just kidding. We had a guy that was in charge of our waves who said the same thing. Never two sure what he meant by that. I've been runnning wave solder for 12 years and them Gels seem to get rid of the broken parts at wave. N
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 11:15:20 EST 2006 | billyd
In my last life we had pretty good luck with the Grid-lok system. Just not very good for extremely large boards, or very thin ones. (Tends to push thin ones up and bend them before the table rises. **On DEK printers, mind you) Form-flex was a nightma
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 14:49:48 EST 2006 | vdizzle
Yep Grid-Lok sucks for thin boards. We have it set up in 4 Dek Horizon 01s. Grid-Lok is actually strong enough to snap really thin boards. Other than that, the system has been great, especially if you have to do 10-12 changeovers per line per shif
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 16:45:23 EST 2006 | charlie
Why don't you try it for yourself. It won't cost you anything in most cases. Anyone with a negative impression about the product may want to contact Grid-lok (support@grid-lok.com or sales@grid-lok.com) for applications or tech support to be sure th
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 11:07:41 EST 2006 | Chunks
Gel Flex works for Dek, just a slight modificaion. Works 100% better than any Grid type of system. We had missprints from Grid Lok and Form Flex - about every 5th or 6th board. Until we modified the Gels, we would take the time and some peelable s