Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 22:52:57 EST 2004 | Roberto Rodriguez
i have a Universal GSM2 machine down and we check all, but are exaust, the problem is the next, when we make Zero axis tha machine say "AXIS HEAD1 Z POSITION ERROR DURING MOVE RELATIVE COMMAND" AND "TIME UP SPINDLES UP". DO YOU HAVE EXPERIENCIES AT T
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 24 11:28:45 EST 2004 | Mika
Hi, Why don't You contact Universal GSM tech specialists on this one? Just pick up the phone and explain Your problem and they will help you: Customer Support Center 1-800-842-9732 or 607-779-5000. There is also tech documents on their web site tha
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 24 08:48:43 EST 2021 | dilogic
GSM's have MMIT I/O bus. It is used for most of the discrete I/O, so I would check it's operation first - see attached diagram. You sholud have BUSPROBE tool which you can use to read/write memory locations directly. I do not know if you have access
Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 10:55:40 EDT 2000 | Tom L.
Universal GSM Technical Support (24/7) 1.607.779.6935
Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 10:55:40 EDT 2000 | Tom L.
Universal GSM Technical Support (24/7) 1.607.779.6935
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 14:01:03 EST 2000 | greg
I have the following problem with a GSM. When powered up I get the error "Error Initializing Hard Disk Controller 0" do you think this is the controller if so what is the part number for a controller.. any input would be great thank you
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 28 14:01:03 EST 2000 | greg
I have the following problem with a GSM. When powered up I get the error "Error Initializing Hard Disk Controller 0" do you think this is the controller if so what is the part number for a controller.. any input would be great thank you
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 16 15:09:27 EDT 2015 | goodting
Can anyone tell what Axis controller and VRM-MC board does in GSM machine? Regards
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 13:13:01 EDT 2015 | horchak
Is the y axis sitting on the out of limit switch by chance
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 08 10:29:14 EDT 2015 | goodting
Dear SMT Specialists Had anyone encountered GSM ADvantis zeroing failure problem? The x-axis is idle while the y-axis is waiting to be activated. My initial guess is either Axis control board or machine configuration conflicts. How to fix it? any le