Electronics Forum: hot-tweezers (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Reworking PCB Bottomside Parts with Adhesive

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 10 11:12:43 EDT 2000 | derron

We have just been using a pair of hot tweezers from either pace or ersa. We are in the process of switching to the metcal brand. they seem to be the best out there.

Multiple Resistor Rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 09:17:28 EDT 2010 | sreid

Yes we have a set Hot-Tweezers. I should have stated above that all of the resistors have been removed already and the new parts are being soldered on. I was just looking for a quicker method of rework. But thanks for the ideas.

Multiple Resistor Rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 08:57:54 EDT 2010 | stevezeva

Hi Stephen, Once they've been soldered down, you're stuck with doing touch labor on each and every one. But you might be suprised how quickly this can be done with the right tools. Are they all the same value resistor? If so, that should make things


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