Electronics Forum: ibl asscon (Page 1 of 1)

Vapor Phase Ovens

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 30 16:14:46 EST 2020 | chapeshiel

Does anyone have any recommendations or experience with vapor phase ovens from Asscon, IBL, or Rehm Thermal? Looking for a medium-large machine with vacuum. On a brief look at the three companies, the options I am considering are Asscon's VP6000 and

Reflow Oven with Vacuum System

Electronics Forum | Tue May 25 18:07:22 EDT 2010 | jlawson

Vacuum Soldering is mostly available with Vapor Phase Soldering systems as a option. Asscon / IBL / Rehm Thermal all offer this... Rehms system is unique as they offer in place solder and vacuum vs the other two vendors that move a PCB with Molten

Vapor phase versus forced convection

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 12:23:17 EDT 2004 | soease

Thanx a lot for advice... My only question is: did you had troubles with prehaeating of the boards? I heard it was the only critical point due to chosen technology, infrared preheat (if it's still IR). I allready checked Vitronics Soltec and IBL,

Seeking Vapour Machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 05:20:38 EST 2010 | jlawson

Also please contact Rehm Thermal, they make best Vapor Phase systems in terms of cost of onwership - less galden usage than Asscon or IBL, have more controllable ramp rate control vs the other vendors also...use patented galden injection on demand an

Buying a new Reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 06:16:02 EDT 2019 | spoiltforchoice

We have enough volume/oversized products that batch vapor doesn't quite work. Once you move into the quasi inline or fully inline vapor system they become eye-wateringly expensive. Plus you get an entirely new process to learn, potentially increased

Vapor phase versus forced convection

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 16 11:58:29 EDT 2004 | Dreamsniper

I've worked with a Vapor Phase Oven a semi-automatic and a manual oven for evaluation. They worked fine and produce better grain of solder joints. The fluid that you need depends on the solder temperature that you require. I've used a 200'C fluid for


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