Electronics Forum: ip3 (Page 1 of 38)

ip3 mtu

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 11:14:22 EST 2011 | cyber_wolf

You will need to be more specific than that. What do you mean it went off ?

ip3 mtu

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 12:46:15 EST 2011 | cyber_wolf

Seems odd that the machine would zero set if there was a sensor not being made.

ip3 mtu

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 16:29:34 EST 2011 | nevercry14


ip3 mtu

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 12:24:12 EST 2011 | nevercry14

Well try to run in idle n as soon as the mtu. Goes to pick up part on tray it goes down but when homing back in position doesnt flag sensor because position is off.so the sz sensor not bieng flaged. Any ideas

ip3 mtu

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 15:40:52 EST 2011 | jdengler

Do you have any trays in the location you are trying to pick from? The Z axis should move until it detects the top of a tray. Without any trays it may not function correctly. Also some machines will need an empty tray below the tray you want to pi

ip3 mtu

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 22:08:58 EST 2011 | nevercry14

Thats the odd part that i can zero set no problem just when i try to run idle the sz sensor ok when goes down but when it goes back up its not bieng retracted up so sensor stays off n eror acurs again any ideas.

ip3 placing head error

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 05:07:53 EDT 2011 | johndoe0222

I received an error on my fuji ip3 which is: "Placing head 1 nozzle has become detached." Does anyone have any idea what is going on and how to fix this. Thanks

ip3 placing head error

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 12:46:43 EDT 2011 | jdengler

In the center of the head shaft there is a rod that is used to flag 2 sensors at the top of the shaft. This lets the machine know when a nozzle is attached. Check that the sensors are working correctly and the rod moves freely. The sensors are fib

question about fuji ip3 machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 29 17:43:46 EST 1998 | Guillermo Villegas

Does anybody know how to update a different nozzle than the standard one on a Fuji IP3 machine? I want to use a 15.8 mm height nozzle, but the limit on height size is 10 mm for IP3.I know, I need to use a special nozzle, so I�m trying with a 16.00 m

Re: question about fuji ip3 machine

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 30 18:47:19 EST 1998 | phillip hunter

| Does anybody know how to update a different nozzle than the standard one on a Fuji IP3 machine? | | I want to use a 15.8 mm height nozzle, but the limit on height size is 10 mm for IP3.I know, I need to use a special nozzle, so I�m trying with a 1

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