Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 05 13:56:43 EST 2023 | kirill
What you're using is IS - Intelligent solutions... What I have is - JaNets I also have it in my program, but its not working.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 09 20:43:26 EST 2023 | ccouture
What is the machine brand and model?
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 12 06:29:43 EST 2023 | kirill
Hello Pratyeka its two machines, Juki RS-1R
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 26 14:07:59 EST 2023 | kirill
Thanks but im not looking for a new program....
Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 05 06:04:20 EST 2023 | kirill
what are the chances that you remember the name of the program?
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 11 04:08:52 EDT 2008 | janet200701
we want to estimate the price of assemblyng a > board that contain both SMD and THT component . > and also we have the BOM file of this board . > please help me There is 3part on the cost: 1. PCB cost 2.Assembly cost 3.components cost. If you w
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 08 15:23:15 EST 2024 | tommy_magyar
They have a software called JaNets to do that. I only briefly worked for a couple of months with Juki, but JaNets did what you are asking for. Most likely you will need licence from Juki for that. Regards, Tom
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 28 11:14:40 EST 2023 | dontfeedphils
Juki should have a system like that. Pretty sure it's a part of the IS suite of software, but it's been 6+ years since I've dealt with Juki.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 15:04:05 EST 2023 | kirill
Well, I checked everything, also spoke with chinese guys, they just make a 1 side program, move it to the machine by usb or on the network, and just run it. They are light years away from Siemens Siplace Pro.
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 15:06:47 EST 2023 | dontfeedphils
Then you must be missing a piece of the software suite because I was able to keep and maintain "master" programs on the IS server and then create "job" programs each time they ran a job and those were sent to the machines from a central line control