Electronics Forum: juki ke750 atc move failed error (Page 1 of 1)

Juki feeder rise error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 21 07:01:02 EST 2013 | ericrr

I can not believe this, We get back from Summer holidays turn on the first machine Juki KE750L goes to do a home and before the head moves, Error notice: rear feeder rise error, I go around the back, nothing out of place. but notice the receiver end

Problem with Juki KE750 servo

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 16:35:16 EST 2017 | siltron

Hi everyone, We bought a used Juki KE a few months ago. Installed it at the beginning of this year, but have some problems with the Z and ROT servos. As soon as the machine is powered on, the ALM04 red led turns on on some of the Z and ROT drivers.

R0402 very high fail rate while placing

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 08 22:49:41 EST 2022 | jojoled

Hi, I need help with placing 0402 resistors 90% of them are picked correctly, but are not placed(thrown away) giving me error : LASER retry over. Slightly higher varistors in same package have slightly better placing rate, about 50%, but still not su

Juki KE750L T/Z Axes problems - Please help!!

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 03 07:17:43 EDT 2018 | oriolsancheza

Hello everybody, For a long time the Juki has been not used, but was working fine before that. Since 4 or 5 month ago, it brings some problems when initializing with T and Z Axes. Till now, just powering it off and on for a few times worked, but no


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