Electronics Forum: mechanical strength (Page 1 of 8)

solder strength

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 10:41:24 EDT 2005 | D.B. Cooper

We've seen the same thing - leads of QFPs not as strong as we'd like them to be. In the past 4 years no problem, this Spring they start failing. Touch a solder iron to it and it solders fine. After crunching some data, we found that both QFPs fail

Delmat mechanical properties

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 02 15:53:51 EDT 2000 | James Burrell

I'm considering using Delmat, or some equivalent material, as a stiffener for rather large pcb, but I don't know the material properties. Specifically I'm interested in: Young's Modulus, E Poisson Ratio, nu Density, rho Strength, Thanks, Jim

pull strength on leads

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 05:51:28 EST 1998 | jacqueline coia

Could you please tell what are the current avaliable standards, if any (BSI/IPC) for a measurement value on the mechanical pull strength on SMT IC leads after reflow. Thanks in advance, Jack.

Solder joint strength

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 30 16:46:03 EST 2005 | chunks

There is no spec because solder is designed to provide an electrical connection not a mechanical connection to hold the part on. If it where mechanical we�d be welding our parts on. Your pad width and length are derived from your component manufact

IC Solder Voiding

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 22 16:59:43 EST 2019 | dwl

I'm worried about the voids that you have on the heel fillet of the leads. Off the top of my head, I don't recall if/what the IPC spec is for voids in gull lead fillets is but my gut instinct is that you're compromising the mechanical strength of the

Solder Joint Strength Comparison

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 05 10:13:21 EDT 2007 | slthomas

When I worked for a med. device company it was always great fun to observe the UL testing. Everyone would gather around the stairwell and say bon voyage to an $8k piece of gear. This was NOT a test of the mechanical strength of soldered connections

Solder Joint Strength Comparison

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 10:12:27 EDT 2007 | slthomas

"...but it would also be testing if they had enough mechanical strength to hold the components on." Only if you take the time to observe the results. :) Your point is well taken, but these guys were only interested in seeing if any failure modes pro

LED on the board

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 12 05:22:00 EDT 2012 | rob

Hi George, The extra pad is just for mechanical strength, it's not connected. As the Liteon LED is just a side view & nothing special you may get lucky and find that a someone like Rohm, Avago or Osram make something without the centre pad that stil

Can TH component be placed on solder side of Single Side PCB?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 10:22:36 EDT 2013 | ericrr

argh! the 6 ends of the resistors soldered to another though hole part to give the pcb track mechanical strength or are they just soldered to a remote pad, so if the resistors are knocked it has the possibly of ripping the track from the pcb.

Butt connector

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 19 04:18:17 EDT 2019 | SMTA-Davandran

Dear Dave, Thank you for your advice on this issue. Shall butt connector withstand high mechanical strength after increase paste volume.

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