Electronics Forum: melf component (Page 1 of 9)

Tombstone on melf resistor

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 29 18:27:25 EST 2003 | russ

That is one big melf!!! I do not even find this package size in any of my data bases. the largest i have ever dealt with is only .230 in. long. This one is .415 in. long? I would need to know the termination sizes also and then we can figure a pad

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 03:15:01 EDT 2002 | jkhiew

Hi Jax, After component placement, all melf diodes being checked & found no touching each other. Unfortunately, after reflow those MELFs are shorted.

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 02:40:16 EDT 2002 | jax

Is the short apparent prior to reflow?

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 22:35:03 EDT 2002 | jkhiew

We had alot of problem with melf diode short together after reflow soldering. The clearance is about 0.8mm & we used "v" shaped opening . PLease comment !

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 05:46:34 EDT 2002 | jax

After reflow, Are the end terminals of the melf packages touching or is it a paste bridge? What type of reflow are you using? IR?... Convection?

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 11:25:40 EDT 2002 | davef

Help us understand your situation by telling us about: * Is this a terminal-to-terminal short on a single MELF? Or is this a terminal-to-terminal short between or than one MELF? * Clearance of 0.8mm is the distance between what features? * Size ME

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 21:44:21 EDT 2002 | jkhiew

Hi all, * Defect : termial to terminal touching btw two melfs body that created short circuit. * Clearance : 0.8mm btw two melfs body. * Size melf : diameter=2.4mm to 2.7mm, length=4.8mm to 5.2mm * Stencil opening : "v" shaped to minimise component

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 14:25:05 EDT 2002 | davef

Good job clarifying things. So, your MELF are just rolling off the pads. So much for the rocket scientist that talked you into those �V� shaped apertures, eh? [Or taking it the other way: Wow, just think how bad it would be if they weren�t worki

component aherence force on the solder paste before reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 03 08:14:49 EDT 2001 | Stefan Witte

If you hold your board sideways in a 90 degree angle you apply a force of 1 g to your components. 1 g translates into 32 ft / sec. square. This is not too much acceleration for fearless roller coaster drivers but Melf�s and Tantalums can fall off at

Melf components

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 11:23:42 EDT 2007 | Stefan

Hi, Can somebody tell if for melf components the x and z sizes are the same? Normally they are, but the machine's vision system sees only 60-70% of the x size due to light dispersion. The Z dimension has to be the one measured with a vernier caliper?

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