Electronics Forum: melt components (Page 1 of 26)

Silver finish components

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 17 11:45:40 EST 2005 | DAM

You know, many SMD components have copper alloy leads and then a copper (or Ni) barrier on them. On the copper (or Ni) barrier there is the finish. Usually the finish is made of Sn\Pb (tin-lead), and if I solder with a Sn\Pb solder paste it's all rig

smt components vs. wave solder

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 09 08:04:52 EST 2002 | erhard

if you wave solder you have to glue the SMD parts on the bottom side. If you reflow the bottom side then you usually shouln't go over the wave afterwards. It's quite logical the joints melt again, that's what you want to achieve going over the wave.

Reparing 0201 components on PCB-boards

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 12 16:11:59 EST 2001 | davef

Listen. Reworking 0201 is too expensive. Here�s watt yado � * Cut the lil� suka between the pads on the board using side cutters. * Flick each piece from its pad, after melting the solder with a standard soldering iron. * Solder the terminations

01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 20:55:46 EDT 2012 | action_101

I forgot to add that we are using a 3 mil stencil. It seems like to me that may be there isn't enough flux left when we reach liquidous?? About half of the solder spheres do melt and wet on each pad, but the top half of each solder joint is just the

01005 components and reflow profiles

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 10 04:16:20 EDT 2012 | grahamcooper22

you are seeing a typical issue that is caused when such small volumes of paste are printed....there are several reasons for it..the tiny amount of flux in the small deposit becomes exhausted much quicker then it does in a larger deposit ( the flux ma

smt components vs. wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 11 11:42:26 EST 2002 | MikeF

Like Mark, I'm guessing your problem is with SMT parts on the top side, the solder is re-melting and some of the parts are moving around during when the board is being wave soldered. When I had some training on thru hole wave soldering way back when

Reflow soldering of lead-free components with leaded solder paste

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 23 09:35:36 EST 2024 | emanuel

We have the standard profile as a template made according to the solder paste specs. For some boards we measure the result at 2 points, on the board itself and on top of a sensitive SOT263 module and adjust accordingly. The solder paste is well kept,

MSL | Baking components after expired floor life

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 12 20:24:26 EDT 2022 | stephendo

I'll answer the easy part. If you put low temperature trays in the oven at 120C, they will warp and partially melt. I have seen it more often with reels of LEDs. Someone is told to bake them before use so the put them in the batch oven and the next

Reflow issues with leaded paste and mixed components

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 14 10:10:52 EST 2005 | davef

When soldering your full tin (no lead) and Pb95/Sn5 solder components, you need to modify your PbSn reflow recipe to compensate for the higher melting point of the changed solder alloy [with your Sn62/Pb36/Ag2 solder paste] on those component leads.

Top preheater for wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 19 12:14:08 EST 2020 | emeto

Use them always - they help for even preheat of the board. If there is a temp sensitive/melting component on top side, turn them off.

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