Electronics Forum: melts (Page 1 of 78)


Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 19 04:50:48 EST 2019 | tirthkar8980

why two high melting temperature metals are getting melt earlier or mean at very low temperature after mixing. Ex :- Tin (sn) - 231 C melting point lead (pb) - 327 C melting point But Sn/Pb - 63/37 melting temperature is 183 C

XBOX 360, BGA ball problem?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 25 04:58:58 EDT 2007 | wayne_

I think the not fully melted BGA ball is the main problem. The middle of the BGA IC...the ball not fully melted....when it subjected to heat and cause PCB warpage....the partial melted joint in the middle part of the BGA started to crack...bcos of we

Melting point

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 11:29:45 EDT 2000 | �ngelo Marques

Hello, Dr. Ning-Cheng Lee The melting point of solder PB-Free its to higher do you now the lower temperature of an PB-Free and its constitution. Its true if the solder paste have in its constitution a Bismut component the melting point its lower?

looking low melting solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 05:42:15 EDT 2010 | jacki

Dear All Does anyone know about the low melting point solder paste which should be Copper Base? Usually the Copper base solder has 227'C of melting point.

Low-Melt Solder

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 05 12:36:09 EST 2000 | Albert Hay

Hello everyone, I am cosidering the possibility of using Low-Melt solder for repair purposes. However, I am concerned about adding a new alloy (agent) to the board that already has the No-Clean solder on it. Also, is the Bismuth in the Low-Melt comat

Flux powder disposal

Electronics Forum | Fri May 13 08:08:15 EDT 2005 | davef

George We're not sure about the application of powder flux for original poster to this thread, but a common application of powder flux is in brazing. This powder flux can be either metal bearing or just flux. As an aside: Soldering and brazing are

Melted BGA part

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 20 13:10:24 EDT 2016 | ladmo1

Have you encountered this? There is black plastic from underneath the chip - oozing out between some of the solder. Like the part melted from underneath. It wasn't even under the chimney and had no direct heat on it. I am afraid if I try to remove

Conversion from SAC305 to SN100C

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 04 09:44:47 EST 2009 | lococost

It's not a silly arguement. I'm guessing you are talking about wavesoldering? Think about holefill, The reason tin will not fully fill difficult holes is the temperature at the top is too low, it is below the melting point. Increase this melting

PCB finish for vapor phase oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 12 15:26:46 EDT 2014 | dan_ems

Hello, in my SMT process I have some problems with the solderability (look like dewetting) on a PCB with finish HASL Lead Free with a composition that is melt at 230 degree Celsius. My oven is with vapor phase and the peak temperature is 230 degre

Flex Circuit Cable

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 08:50:35 EDT 2001 | Andy Gresko (Gresko Associates)

Aaron, You may want to consider a bead of hot melt glue similar to that used by hobbyists. There are various formulations with different melting temps. Andy

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