Electronics Forum: mpm up2000/b light (Page 1 of 5)

mpm up 2000 camera problem

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 15 09:40:43 EDT 2006 | SWAG

Not sure about 2020 but AP's have an option to perform a histogram test/adjustment on the lighting. It's a black card, white card test and you can adjust a pot. in the machine to make the histogram curve "best-fit". On an AP, you find this option i

Old (ancient) MPM Accuflex screen printer camera light not working

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 05 21:28:18 EST 2021 | rmitchell

We have an old MPM accuflex and both camera lights stopped working this morning during production. We tried the bulbs but the new ones did not work either. Any ideas on this? I don't think we have a manual but will keep looking in the dungeon. Plea

Old (ancient) MPM Accuflex screen printer camera light not working

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 22:10:04 EST 2021 | emeto

Measure if you have power where the light should go. Don't remember but it is probably 5V bulb/12V buld(it should say on it). if you have power, measure the bulb. I am not sure how new you new bulbs are.

Old (ancient) MPM Accuflex screen printer camera light not working

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 11 17:19:31 EST 2021 | rmitchell

Problem resolved- The machine camera had crashed when the operator put the PCB in upside down (this was kept secret until intense water boarding). The crash seem to take out a chip on the vision processing PCB. It was visually damaged and looked lik

MPM UP2000 alarm "hardware limit warning"

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 06:17:47 EDT 2010 | bullyparade

Hi all, we use a MPM UP2000/B printer and facing the following problem: During startup/initialisation process the printer stops after a while and comes up with the following alarm "hardware limit warning". This can be repeated several times with the

MPM Work Light

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 06:19:50 EDT 2014 | navworx

Hello, We have an MPM 2000 HiE printer. when opening the lid, the light does not come on. It looks like a typical kitchen fluorescent light fixture. Replaced the bulb, but still does not light. Does the fixture have the starter inside?

Quad/SMTech/MPM 400 printer question

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 23 16:35:31 EDT 2006 | stepheniii

And does it's job very different from a light pen. A light pen senses the light from the monitor and the computer then sees which pixel is lit at the time the light pen detected it. Don't forget only one pixel is lit at any given time. So the unplug

MPM AP25 Print Repeatability Problem

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 25 09:47:34 EDT 2006 | SWAG

Not sure if this will help at all but you might try doing a lighting histogram test/adjustment since you have a new camera. It could be that your lighting is very bright or too dim and the camera is confusing features next to your intended fiducials

Quad/SMTech/MPM 400 printer question

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 21:08:02 EDT 2006 | Dman97

Well, the monitor isn't touch screen. The light pen IS the mouse/trackball. If I touch the screen nothing happens. The industrial PC has no PS/2 ports of any kind on it. Perhaps I could splice into the light pen connections and connect a standard tra

Can anyone help me get this MPM AP27 going?

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 10:51:02 EDT 2009 | shanenaturalpoint

My company recently purchased an MPM AP27 on the used market. I had the machine up and functional at one point, but now it is inoperable. I have correct power and air to the machine, but when I attempt to power it up, I get nothing. Red light on t

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