Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 30 00:14:36 EST 2007 | vinitverma
ET, With due regards to your '7 years experience', I must say that in my 11 years experience, this is the first time I am hearing about head replacement on a Topaz. On the Eclipse it is easy for an operator to make a mistake by moving the head manua
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 20:24:41 EDT 2023 | ttheis
Conveyors are connected to machines with SMEMA cable interfaces; any edge conveyor manufacturer will have this interface.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 00:08:31 EDT 2019 | mk15
hank you for the tips. MOT boards have already changed. The sensor on the conveyor responds. In service mode, the WIDTH MOTOR - OK, HOLD MOTOR - OK, SET CONVEYOR - OK, only error TRANSPORT - F-MOT-MSETDYN conveyor transport / 1250: amplifier DC-link
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 17 16:12:39 EST 2006 | ronhammer
Does anyone have any experience with a MyData Tray Wagon Magazine (TWM)? If so what do you do behind it for a conveyer? We received a TWM to test and it will not work with our conveyor system. MyData said to change to a different set of adjusting hol
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 02:31:30 EDT 2019 | mk15
I am looking for some help for where to look to fix this MY15E problem.After hardware initiation appear F-MOT-MSETDYN conveyor transport/1250: amplifier DC-link too high.Any suggestions? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 14:43:23 EDT 2015 | alphatronique
HI i try to figure how the "Manual load adapter" work on a T3 Table machine ? seem that the table always try to move the board to the the left sensor location ,but if i use the magnet manual table it will never find the board on the table convey
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 07:48:12 EST 2006 | avalancher
Hi Ron, The Tray Wagon magazine is designed to go on all the MYDATA machine types, and equipped options. When you have a conveyor system, you do need to mount it so that when the tray wagon goes all the way to the back, it does not hit the exte
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 17:56:38 EDT 2019 | rgduval
Check the MOT board. You can usually swap out the individual MOT boards, and see if the problem moves. If it does, you can isolate which board has gone bad. You can also check the encoder on the conveyor, to make sure that is still working correct
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 10:16:14 EDT 2007 | davef
Pick and place: * Fuji: The largest pcb size is 20" by 18" for pick and place; 18"x14" for chip shooters. Fuji NP XL series allows 27 by 23 inch boards using a conveyor. * MYDATA has machines that can be configured to 34" X 44" X 0.500" * HSP 4796A a
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 22:33:42 EST 1998 | Jim McCarten
I have had experience with both companies. If you are doing contract work and get you parts and boards in a box, the Mydata does a fine job of teaching a board on the machine. Quad's strengths are in their software and the ability to automatically